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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707

B.4 Natural Disaster: Forest Fire

Scenario number 4

Forest fire

Scenario justification


: Forest fires are a regular occurrence across the globe, and a piqlVault will most

likely be placed in the path of one during the next 500 years. In fact, with the effects of climate

change, there may be swings in weather from severe drought to severe rainfall. Such extreme

droughts increase the chance of forest fires. Additionally, urbanisation and population growth

will strain the current boundaries of cities around the world, and it is possible that more and

more construction will take place near a forest line, in the urban/rural interface and also in

wooded areas. These two factors combined mean that the Piql Preservation Services may be

more exposed to the dangers of forest fires in the future, and that is not to say that it does not

constitute a problem even today. The potential damages to the Piql Preservation Services are

high, as it requires the swift extinction of a fire to avoid the information stored being lost.


: The components of the Piql Preservation Services – the Film, the Box, the Bin and the

Vault – are all vulnerable to extreme heat and direct contact with fire. Though plastic was

chosen as the material for the PiqlFilm and –Box, among other things, for its better fire resistant

properties than many other storage media, none of the components are immune to the prolonged

exposure to flames; They will burn with sufficient exposure. The longer the fire is allowed to

burn, the higher the risk of destruction of the piqlFilms, and a forest fire is much harder to

control and put out than room fires.


: All Piql partners are required to have various measures of fire protection in place. They

must make sure that these are enough to hold off even a prolonged fire.

Scenario outline

The scenario is set in the geographical zone North (Europe). After a period of excessive heat

and drought, the piqlVault, located in a building situated in the urban/rural interface, is caught in

a fierce forest fire which is particularly hard to extinguish. The local fire department is unable to

get control of the fire and it is allowed to rage in the vicinity for a fortnight. During this period,

the forest fire consumes parts of the building. Even when the building is no longer on fire, the

fire department will not allow reentry due to the dangers of the forest fire reaching the building



Type of risk


Hazard: Unmanageable forest fire engulfs the piqlVault.


