"A risk assessment of the Piql Services" by FFI

reduction suppression mechanism, as that would have allowed the fire to rage for a longer period. The integrity of many piqlFilms is saved by the presence of this solution. For the piqlFilms which are damaged beyond repair by the fire, or which have blurred beyond visibility due to the high temperatures, availability is irrevocably compromised. The damage, however, would have been far greater without the oxygen reduction suppression mechanism, as that would have allowed the fire to rage for a longer period. The availability of many piqlFilms is saved by the presence of this solution. The availability of the remaining piqlFilms is compromised temporarily, as the structural stability of the piqlVault system grid cannot support the robots needed for retrieval of the piqlBins. Neither is the mechanism for manual recovery possible to use. The surviving piqlBins must be extracted from the remains of the charred piqlVault system one by one by hand. The confidentiality of all the piqlFilms remains intact, as no unauthorised personnel gained access to the piqlVault during the scenario. The exception is, of course, the fire personnel responsible for putting the fire out. The confidentiality of the information was threatened for a time, as the structural integrity of the building had been compromised and as such perimeter security could not be guaranteed, but the dangerous environment served as security in itself.



Immunity (against attacks on the above mentioned)

The Piql Preservation Services is not immune to attacks on integrity or availability.


The recommendation from Piql AS to use an oxygen reduction suppression solution such as the fire protection mechanism in the piqlVault is regarded as the best one. Making sure the supply of the oxygen restricting gas is such that it can withstand prolonged fires is important.

Recommended protective measures


[81] Gabbert, B. (2011), At what temperature does a forest fire burn? [82] Kriseinfo.no (n.d.), What is a forest fire?

Relevant literature


FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707

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