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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707



Type of risk


Threat: Theft of trade secrets on piqlFilm committed by insider on

behalf of someone standing to gain financially from the information





Profile of actor (if


The rival oil company X is one of the biggest in the world. It has shown

in the past that it is without scruples and willing to bend the rules to

reach its objectives. Moreover, as it is state-owned, it has huge resources

at its disposal.

Description of cause

Due to the scarcity of oil and accompanying high prices, the rival oil

company X is motivated to go to extreme measures to get a bigger

market share. In acquiring the oil well data in question, where the new

method of oil well analysis is used, the rival company X gains new

insight into which oil wells on the depleted market have the potential for

further exploration, and the financial reward could be considerable in

the current market. A second, less vital, aspect is how the rival oil

company X also gets access to information on how oil company Y

conducts oil well analyses generally, and is able to compare the

efficiency of their respective methods to perhaps make a change in the

future. Oil company X resorts to bribing a Piql operator. Said operator

suffers from gambling addiction and is in grave financial debt, and so is

open to bribes.

Competence and

resources (if


As one of the major state-owned oil companies of the world, the rival oil

company X has the financial resources available to bribe the insider

with large sums of money. It also has a lack of scruples to engage in

such acts of corruption.


User class

Business sensitive.

User type

Oil and gas sector. Major oil company Y.


Trade secrets, specifically oil well analyses of ―dry‖ wells which details

how new technology can be applied to old seismic data to show if an oil

well is profitable after all. The information is potentially worth millions

of USD. Highly company confidential. Even if the information is

eventually recovered or the company have copies, the loss of the

company’s market position due to loss of confidentiality is very
