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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707


Chapter 6 first explains why we have chosen the scenario-based approach to do this risk

assessment, and briefly summarises the considerations which must be taken into account in the

scenario analysis in order for the risk assessment to be considered complete. It goes on to

presents the method we have chosen in the report to make a relevant selection of scenarios:

morphological analysis. First the technical aspects of the method are explained, and then it is

applied to issues of safety and security separately. Finally, the final selection of scenarios for

further analysis is presented.

We have created a template to use for the scenario descriptions, as there were so many of them.

Chapter 7 explains further why such a template is useful and how it is meant to be used.

Including all of the completed templates in the report would be too extensive. Hence, chapter 8

only briefly depicts the contents of the various scenarios, whereas the full details of the

completed descriptions are included as appendixes to the report. The vulnerabilities and security

challenges of the Piql Preservation Services which are identified in the scenario analysis are

presented and discussed in chapter 9, followed by the comparative overview of the different

digital storage media available for long-term preservation in chapter 10. Chapter 11 builds on

the analysis in chapter 9 and discusses the relevant recommendations to be made to alleviate

these issues. Finally, chapter 12 concludes the report.

2 The Piql Preservation Services

Before risks can be identified, we must first describe and examine the object of study – the Piql

Preservation Services – in order to understand the system and, in turn, locate critical points of

vulnerability. In the following we will therefore give an introduction to the Piql Preservation

Services. The purpose of this introduction is not to give an in-depth description of the system

and all its features and innovations. What we are aiming to do is give the reader an

understanding of the Piql Preservation Services which is sufficient to follow our assessment of

the risks which may threaten it.

The Piql Preservation Services is a complete system for long-term preservation of digital data

[2]. Piql AS has, through several R&D projects in collaboration with various Consortium

partners, developed the technology and the different components needed to preserve digital data

for a timespan of over 500 years in such a way that ensures the data’s authenticity, immunity

and security.

The system includes hardware for writing and reading data on the storage medium,



which is placed in a primary packaging,


, to protect the PiqlFilm against its external

environment. The piqlBox is in turn placed in a secondary packaging,


, which is suitable