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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707

the future. As the user class is undefined in this scenario, so is the time

period, but it could apply for both: the result would be the same.



The climate zone is temperate. It is winter, in the beginning of February.

The local weather conditions are fairly cold and dry: 10° Celsius with a

relative humidity of 70 % during the day and 4° Celsius and 45 %

relative humidity during the night.

The attack occurs mid-morning, to ensure that a maximum amount of

people are at work.

Vault description

The scenario takes place while the piqlFilms are in storage in the

piqlVault. The piqlVault system is placed in a storage room located in

lower floors of an office building. The targeted organisation has offices

on the same floor, but on the other side of the building.

The vault is regulated through ventilation to uphold the ISO standards

governing levels of humidity and temperature.

Local safety


All safety measures required by Piql AS are in place, see section 5.5.1 for


Local security


All security measures required by Piql AS are in place.


Outer building

The physical infrastructure of the building housing the NGO and the

piqlVault suffers severe structural damage, but remains standing. Neither

does the bomb cause a large fire, only smaller ones spread out. The

power supply, however, is cut off due to damages to the electrical

system. The structural integrity of the building is compromised to such

an extent that it is unsafe to enter the building for several days before

structural engineers have secured it and cleared it for entry.


The infrastructure of the storage room is also affected by the blast. The

walls nearest to the position of the bomb are blasted apart, only arming is

left. The contents of the piqlVault are exposed to the elements, as the

walls surrounding the piqlVault or indeed the outer walls of the building

are no longer whole. Additional loss of power makes maintaining the

ideal storage conditions impossible.

When the bomb blasts the walls of the storage room apart, some of the

pieces of concrete hit the piqlVault system grid. The pressure wave

causes the grid to shift out of its original position and tilt, but as it gets

support from a back wall, it does not fall over. The tightly stacked

piqlBins also help to stabilise the grid.


The piqlBoxes slam into the side of the piqlBins with a significant

amount of force when the pressure wave hits, but they do not open, and

are otherwise not harmed. Even if they did open, the piqlFilm would not