"A risk assessment of the Piql Services" by FFI
The physical representation of a value. A resource that, if exposed to unwanted influence, will bring about a negative effect for the person who owns, manages or profits from the resource [13 p.4]. Used here as a synonym for the data on the piqlFilm in need of storage and protection.
The assigned worth of an asset.
Table 4.2 Terms related to computer security
4.3 Terms Related to the Scenario-Based Approach
The process of (i) mapping all the relevant elements to be included in a scenario to ensure the validity of a given assessment and the ability to make meaningful conclusions about the object of analysis, and (ii) ensuring the selection of scenarios suitable to address the problem. The process of writing out the details of the elements of a given scenario found relevant during the process of scenario development. The process of drawing conclusions based on the findings identified in the scenario descriptions and, in turn, make relevant recommendations.
Scenario development
Scenario description
Scenario analysis
Table 4.3 Terms related to the scenario-based approach
5 Simplifications and Specifications
Due to the scale of the object of analysis – the Piql Preservation Services, with all three components (film, box and vault) and the complexity of the service journey – it became apparent that a simplification of the subject matter was required to enable an adequate scenario development process which in turn would lead to a meaningful scenario analysis relevant to this study. Accordingly, we were obliged to make certain standardised assumptions about the present and future application of the Piql Preservation Services for the purpose of this assessment. We have made clearly defined classifications for the categories geography, timeframe and user class, with the corresponding asset in need of storage and protection in that user class. In addition we have, in collaboration with Piql AS, made an operative concept which describes the location and the layout of the storage facilities, as well as accounting for the security
FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707
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