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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707



User class


User type

Market area.


What is the value to be protected? What type of information?

How is it valued? Why is it valuable? Is it irreplaceable?


Location description

Geographical zone, with brief description of climate zone

(local geographical and typological conditions),

developmental level (general standard of infrastructure and

work culture) and political stability (stable borders, internal

threat actors). Include what is relevant for the scenario.

City or countryside?

Environment description

Local weather conditions.

Time of year (with regards to temperature, etc.)

Time of day (with regards to personnel on duty).

Year/Time period. The same hazard/threat can occur many

times from a point onwards. If the hazard/threat presupposes a

different setting in future, then the time period would simply

start at a later point in the future and onwards.

Vault description

In mountain or in building. If in building: in basement, lower

or upper floor?

Inside environment.

Local safety measures

Fortified walls, seismic resistance, fire protection, water

protection, radiation protection, EMP protection, utility


Local security measures

Physical security measures on access control, camera

surveillance, alarm systems and sensors, and number of



Outer building

Damages on physical infrastructure of building or mountain



Security challenges/vulnerabilities for vault.