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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707


Security challenges/vulnerabilities for box.


Security challenges/vulnerabilities for film.

Power/energy supply

How was the power supply affected?

Divergence from

ISO standard

Specified deviations from ISO standard in the vault concerning

temperature and relative humidity, and the time duration of

the divergence.

Security mechanisms


Brief summary on effects on integrity.


Brief summary on effects on availability.


Brief summary on effects on confidentiality.


Brief summary on effects on immunity (against attacks on



Recommended protective


List the safety or security measures which could alleviate the

consequences of the scenario.


Relevant literature

Figure 7.1

The template used in the scenario descriptions

The template is based on one already developed at FFI during a previous project, but has been

customised to the PreservIA project and developed further.


All of the factors which were

presented and clarified in chapters 5 and 6 of the report – geography, timeframe, user class and

corresponding asset, location and type of storage facility, and, lastly, if the scenario describes an

intentional act, the threat actors and their intentions and capacities – are included in the

template. By inserting the relevant information, together these factors should give a detailed

description of the future event in the scenario. Furthermore, the template presents the ensuing

consequences of the event and specifically how the Piql Preservation Services components and

surrounding environment are affected. Finally, the effect of the event on the security properties

CIA and immunity can be briefly outlined. Thus concludes the complete description of the

events unfolding in the scenario and their consequences. The template then allows for a brief

listing of recommendations of measures to alleviate the consequences of the event. It should be


Based on the template developed in the PRACTICE project, see [46]