Arctic World Archive - Deposit Summary
The National Museum of Norway made their sec- ond deposit to the Archive, featuring a diverse col- lection of the more valuable pieces they hold, providing a unique overview of Norwegian culture and history, includ- ing the masterpiece, Vinternatt i Rodane (Winter’s night in Rodane) (1914) by Harald Sohlberg Telia, in collaboration with a Norwegian start-up, Hidden, deposited a collection of Norwegian folk tales that capture the essence of traditional Norwegian folk tales, legends and myths. Documented stories of sea crea- tures, trolls, princes and unlikely heroes are now immersed in the permafrost conditions of the Archive forever. The National History Museum of Norway deposited the original digital files and the x-ray images of the world- renowned IDA fossil (scientific name Darwinius masillae), discovered some years ago (commonly referred to as the missing link). The original fossil is on display at the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo. 2:
The European Space Agency (ESA) deposited some sample data acquired by its first Earth Re- mote Sensing (ERS) satellite launched in 1991, and a thor- ough description of the mission objectives and achieve- ments. This history captures the moment that saw a whole new chapter opened for the world in continuously and con- sistentlymonitoring the health of our planet fromspace and should never be lost, a truly magnificent story. The Brazilian Museum of the Person deposited an extract from the "Memória de Brasileiros e Brasileiras" collection, composed of more than 2000 digitized photos and 300 life stories recorded between 2006 and 2016. The stories were recorded in expeditions that passed through 42 cities in 14 states of the brazilian territory. In addition, by understand- ing the value of traditional knowledge for the development of Brazilian culture and the current threat to indigenous peoples, 11 interviews with indigenous leaders from differ- ent ethnic groups in Brazil will also be included. The content was chosen in honor of the International Year of Modera- tion and Indigenous Languages chosen by the United Na- tions for 2019.
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