Marketing Tasks & Workflow_2018

Piql Marketing | Repeating tasks

Conferences & Events



When/how often

Relevant links


Activity plan

An overview over international conferences & events within our two main markets where we can consider participating. Needs to contain information of participants/audience, deadline for abstract etc.

Quarterly update the plan for as far ahead as possible in terms of available information..

Activity plans:

Marketing Manager

Abstracts/applications for presenting/attending conferences

Write abstracts/applications that meets the requirements of the conference in question, and make sure it is sent before deadline.

Follow the timeline for each conference according to the activity plan.

Former applications:

Communication Manager

Practical arrangement of conferences & events

Who will represent us, shipping of stand equipment, mar- keting materials, print & shipment of brochures etc.

Follow the timeline for each conference according to the activity plan.

Brand & Design Manager

Partner Forum

Marketing has the overall responsibility for budget, agenda and arrangment. Location, topic, presenters & agenda will be discussed and agreed with the BD and management teams. Implementation of such and the practical arrange- ments lies with the responsible person. Depending on event, the content will be decided by either R&D Manager, BD Manager or Managing Director. Marketing provides support in terms of agenda & other practical arrangements.

Planning starts early spring, the Forum will typically be held august/september

Former Partner Forums:

Brand & Design Manager

Other internal events (Technical training, BD training, official visits)

Whenever such an event occurs

Brand & Design Manager

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