A Risk Assessment of Piql Services by FFI

Appendix B The Completed Scenario Templates

B.1 Accident

Scenario number 1

Accident at nearby chemical plant

Scenario justification

Justification : Accidents at chemical plants or accidents during transportation of CBR (chemical, biological, radioactive material) are no rare occurrence in the world. When such accidents happen, the immediate surroundings of the site can be affected. A piqlVault or production site may be placed in such an area, and exposure to these uncontrolled emissions would then be a real threat that one should be prepared for. Purpose : The components of the Piql Preservation Services – the Film, the Box, the Bin and the Vault – are all vulnerable to various chemicals. Some of the components are more chemically inert than the others, but chemical agents still constitute a major risk to the system. Especially the piqlFilm is vulnerable: the gelatine emulsion on the piqlFilm, as it is a protein, is highly sensitive to chemical, and also biological, threats. Benefit : In knowing that this can be a prominent risk, a Piql partner can take the necessary precautions, like an additional protective layer around the piqlFilm. However, these are agents that it is difficult to provide hundred per cent protection against, and it would likely be very costly. The main recommendation is to be sure to place the piqlVault at a safe distance from such a risk source, although the risk of a transportation accident is ever present. The scenario is set in the geographical zone South (South America). During a hot and humid day in January an accident caused by a human error at a nearby chemical plant to a piqlVault occurs. The accident is of such a scale that chlorine gas leaks uncontrollably and in a steady stream out into the atmosphere. The damage done to the industrial facility also means that it takes several hours before the leak is fixed. Unfortunately, the wind direction and speed is such that emissions of chlorine gas reach the PiqlVault. The Piql personnel in the Vault evacuate after noticing the presence of the gas. In the process to facilitate the quick evacuation, however, doors are left open, and the presence of gas does not allow personnel to return to shut them properly. Chlorine gas is thus allowed to seep unimpeded into the Vault. The piqlBox and –Film are subjected to prolonged exposure for as long as it takes the workers at the chemical plant to get control of the leak. For this time, access to the piqlVault is made impossible. Scenario outline


Type of risk (Hazard/Threat)

Hazard: Uncontrolled emissions of a highly reactive chemical agent; here chlorine gas.


FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707

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