piql_When quality matters
HiPerScan (E! 9432) Eurostars Project Project duration: 2015-2017 Project budget: 1 mill. €
(2) verification and read back of long term preserved data on film. The second outcome of the project will be a proto- type of a reference pattern printer that together with the high performance scanner forms a prototype pro- duction and verification line for reference pattern film stripes. These reference stripes would be used as certified stan- dards in qualification of high-speed image processing systems as they are used in production lines of many industries. Project Partners • Fraunhofer IPM, German Research Institute • Filmotec, German Film Manufacturer • In-Vision, Austrian experts in Digital Imaging Optics • Piql AS
Project Abstract The HiPerScan project will develop and improve the high performance scanning device, allowing to recon- struct digital and analogue data from photosensitive medium at extremely high speed. Special focus is giv- en to sophisticated data reconstruction algorithms and supportive sensors for improved read-back rates. In ad- dition a special reference pattern for production of ref- erence standards for qualification of high speed image processing systems will be developed and prototyped. The project goal is to design, develop and prototype an ultimate high performance data and image scanner for single layer photosensitive medium. The system will be very high resolution. This also demands for an advanced and scalable optical illumination system for the medium as well as scanner camera lenses with different magnifi- cations and optimized numerical aperture for the needs of the two different applications in mind, i.e. (1) reference pattern production and verification, and Project Abstract In this feasibility assessment we wanted to achieve the following: 1. Perform market research (through beta testers and other partners) o Get a clear picture on the competitive environ- ment within long term preservation of valuable data o Examine the feasibility of introducing the Piql sys- tem as a "Managed Service" o Learn how data preservation services are offered to the market and how they are priced 2. Develop an innovative and different business model to bring this technology to the market 3. Develop a "go-to-market" strategy and business plan based on the outcome of the market research and busi- ness model. PreserviX EU’s Horizon 2020 Project duration: 2015 Project budget: 0.5 mill. NOK
R&D Projects - Overview
This project related to the work programme "Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies", Information and Communication Technologies, Horizon 2020 Dedicated SME instrument, Call ICT-37-2014, Open Disruptive In- novation Scheme. Further this project proposal broadly addresses ICT challenges within the “Societal Challeng- es” policy priority within the “Europe 2020 Strategy“. The project addressed more specifically the priority of "Secure Societies – Digital Security: Cybersecurity, Pri- vacy and Trust".
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