2022 PEICMC Annual Report

Engagement • PEI Cannabis partnered with an external training provider through fiscal 2022 to facilitate a comprehensive training program for all of its retail teams. • Store managers continued to be provided with leadership training to ensure that they are able to foster engagement and continued success within their retail teams. Professional Success • Excellent outcomes around minimal staff turnover over fiscal 2022 is interpreted to be a good sign of a satisfied workforce that continues to view PEI Cannabis as a valued opportunity. • PEI Cannabis maintains a training & development fund available to all employees which seeks to foster mutual growth in its people and the organization as a whole. KEY OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES: 1. PEI Cannabis’s intention is to complete a formal performance planning, evaluation & coaching program in fiscal 2023. 2. PEI Cannabis must continue to manage absenteeism due to injury or illness so it can preserve the health of its employees and the leanness of its operations. 3. The Corporation must continuously provide staff with educational support and growth opportunities to ensure a flexible, scalable, and engaged workforce.

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PEICMC 2021-2022 Annual Report

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