PEILCC 2023 Annual Report

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION Notes to Financial Statements Year Ended March 31, 2023

19. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) (c) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Commission would be unable to meet its obligations. The Commission manages liquidity needs by monitoring scheduled debt servicing payments for long term financial liabilities as well as cash inflows and outflows due in day-to-day business. The data used for analysing these cash flows is consistent with that used in the contractual maturity analysis below. Liquidity needs are monitored in various time bands, on a day-to-day and week-to-week basis, as well as on the basis of a rolling 30 day outlook. Net cash requirements are compared to available borrowing facilities in order to determine any surplus or shortfall. The Commission's objective is to maintain cash and marketable securities to meet its liquidity requirements for a minimum 60 day period. This objective was met for the reporting period. Funding for long term liquidity needs are secured by adequate amounts of committed credit facilities. The Commission's existing cash resources, trade receivables, and cash generated from operations significantly exceed the current cash outflow requirements. The Commission's contractual financial liabilities as at March 31, 2023 matures as follows:



Within 6 months

6 to 12 months 1 to 5 years After 5 years

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

$ 6,014,971 $



- -


- -

Due to the Province Lease liabilities Debentures payable


12,016,215 388,720




- - $ 6,416,037 $ 12,452,488 $ 2,196,046 $ 1,578,755 47,553 -

20. CAPITAL MANAGEMENT The capital structure of the Commission currently consists of amounts due to related parties, debentures payable, and lease liabilities. The Commission manages the capital structure and makes adjustments to it in the light of changes in economic conditions and the risk characteristics of the underlying assets. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Commission may arrange more loans or advances from related parties. Management reviews its capital management approach on a regular basis. The Commission is not subject to externally imposed capital requirements.



PEILCC 2022-2023 Annual Report

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