Port Port wine hails from the Duoro Valley in Portugal. Over 100 varieties of grapes can be used in production, but they must be grown and processed in the region. To become port, the wine is fortified with unaged brandy before fermentation is complete to yield a product with around 20 percent ABV. Port is most commonly rich and sweet, but a range of styles do exist, including tawny port, ruby port, and white port, amongst others. Fortified wines in the style of port are also produced outside Portugal, with great exam- ples coming from South Africa and Australia as well. A wide price range is also available, with multi-year blends being quite affordable and special single vintages sometimes costing hundreds per bottle.
TRY PAIRING: Taylor Fladgate 10 Year Tawny Port ( 06250Z ) with fruitcake, mincemeat pies and aged stilton cheese or for a special treat try the 1994 Smith Woodhouse Vintage Port .
Marsala Marsala wine comes from the city of Marsala on Italian island of Sicily. The wine is made from a variety of grapes and ranges in both alcohol content and sweetness. It’s classified by age, color, and sweetness levels and styles run from dry aperitivos to sweet dessert-style wines. It is also fairly common in cooking.
TRY PAIRING: Sperone Marsala Fine Dry ( R0098Z ) with creamy gorgonzola or prosciutto.
Vermouth Vermouth is a fortified AND aromatized wine, meaning that it’s not only spiked with brandy, it’s also infused with herbs and spices. There are two main types of vermouth, red (sweet or Italian) and white (dry or French). Originally marketed for medical purposes, it became a celebrated Apertif, and is now associated with many famous cocktails.
TRY PAIRING: Cinzano Rosso ( 20030Z ) with parmesan cheese, or in a cocktail!
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