© Copyright 2005 Nebraska Irrigation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
PH: 402-564-1514 • FAX: 402-563-2792 • Columbus, Nebraska • nebraskairrigation.com
Table of Contents
S ECTION A: I NTRODUCTION Welcome to the Nebraska Ir- rigation Catalog 7General Outline of This Catalog 8Your I RRIGATION S OURCE ™ 9NITECH ® Stretch Wrappers / Pallet Packaging Policies 10Credit Policy 10Delivery 10Damage Claims 10Discrepancy Claims 10Returned Merchandise 10Warranty S ECTION B: S TRUCTURAL C OMPONENTS Pivot Points 12Pivot Point Packages Additional Pivot Point Com- ponents 13Pivot Flex Joints 13Upper Pivot Elbows General Structural Items 15Base Decks 15Tower Joints 15Tower Legs 16Span Pipes 16Sand Traps S ECTION C: D RIVE T RAINS Conversions 18NI Electric Drives and Control Conversions 19NI Hydrostatic Drives 19NI Water Spinner Drives 19Drive Train Conversion Kits NI Mounts 20Wheel Gearbox Mounts 20Center Drive Mounts Drive Couplers 21Cloverleaf ® Drive Couplers 22Steel-Flex Drive Couplers 23Universal Steel-Flex Couplers Wheel Gearboxes 24Durst Wheel Gearboxes 26Omni Wheel Gearboxes Center Drives 29Durst Helical Gearmotors 29Omni Helical Gearmotors 30US Gearmotors 30US Splined Motor Modules 30US and NI Splined Gearboxes 31Center Drive Gearboxes 32C-Face Motors Drive Line Shields 33Drive Line Shields 33Totally Enclosed Drive Protec- tion Systems Drive Shafts 34Drive Shafts 34Telescoping Drive Lines U-Joints, Couplers 35Steel U-Joints Gearbox Repair 35Repair Sleeves 35Couplers 35Shaft Seal Gearbox Accessories 36Towable Conversion Kits and Components 36Gearbox Flanges, Reinforce- ment Rings, and Lug Bolts 36Gearbox Lube 36Expansion Chamber 36Shaft Protector Flotation Assistance 37Track Sack ™ 37Irri-Trac ® 37NI 3-Wheel Drive Tires & Wheels 38Wheel Assemblies 38Accessories 38Rims 38Tires (only) 38Tubes for Tires Hydraulic Motors and Acces- sories 39Hydraulic Motors 39Hydraulic Hose 39Hydraulic Oil 39Hydraulic Valves 39Hydraulic Fittings 39Compression Fittings Bearings, Seals, and Fasten- ers 40Bearings 40Seals 40Fasteners S ECTION D: C ONTROLS NI Main Panels 42NI Programmable Irrigation Control System – PICS SmartPanel ® 43NI Main Control Panels 43Options NI Alignment Controls 44NI Valley Type Tower Control Boxes 45NI Premium Tower Control Box Conversion Kits 45Tower Box Mounts 46NI Lockwood Type Tower Box Kits 47NI Lindsay Type Tower Con- trol Boxes 48Booster Pump Control Boxes 49Barricade Stops Collector Rings 50Heavy-Duty Collector Rings Pump Control Panels 51NEMA Type Pump Panels