Chronological History of the American Civil War
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Wednesday, April 6, 1864 : As states which had seceded and become part of the Confederacy were militarily defeated, there came a time of political reorganization in each as well. Those who had held office were required to take an oath of loyalty to the Union, or they had to be replaced. New constitutions were often needed as well. The Constitutional Convention of Louisiana, meeting in New Orleans today, adopted a new state constitution that abolished slavery . As it should be today, a man's word or promise was his bond. Bonded by his own morality, to never go back on his word. The world today, would be a better place, if folks followed this rule. Thursday, April 7, 1864 : General Longstreet’s (CSA) command is ordered to come back to Virginia; General Simon Bolivar Buckner’s (CSA) small force near Bristol, Tennessee are at present the only Confederates remaining in East Tennessee. At Pleasant Hill, Louisiana Union forces, commanded by Brig. General Albert L. Lee (U.S.) meet and skirmishes with the Confederate forces commanded by Brig. General Tom Green (CSA). Green’s Texas cavalry attacked Brig. General Albert L. Lee (U.S.) cavalry several times. The Confederates kept up a regular rifle-fire between their two ranks. Brig. General Albert L. Lee (U.S.) was soon reinforced by some infantry and fought off the Confederates. Friday, April 8, 1864 : The Senate reached a joint resolution by 38 to 6 to abolish slavery. It also approved the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. This amendment still had to be sign by the President and ratified in 2/3 of the states. In Louisiana, Union General Nathaniel Banks opted to take a
shorter road to Shreveport rather than the one that ran along the Red River. Not only was the road narrow, it was further away from the gun support, offered by the Union flotilla on the river. General Banks (U.S.) forces were stopped, and forced back by Confederate General Richard Taylor (pictured) at Sabine Cross Roads, just 3 miles south of Mansfield, Louisiana. General Taylor (CSA) was the son of Zachary Taylor, the 12th president of the U.S.. The Union forces met a heavy defeat, and are dispersed. They lost 113 killed, 581 injured and 1,541 missing or captured. The South suffered total losses of 1,000 men. General Taylor is promoted to Lieutenant General. In Tennessee, Brigadier General Forrest (CSA) gives orders to
Col. Neely to move on Sunday to “impress the enemy with the belief that Forrest is moving to attack Memphis.” This is to throw off the Union force from Forrest’s real plan to attack Fort Pillow just north of Memphis.
Saturday, April 9, 1864 : Lt. General Taylor (CSA) follows Union General Nathaniel Banks in his retreat to Pleasant Hill, Louisiana. The fighting continues, and the Union line holds its ground. Although Banks won this battle, he retreated, wishing to get his army out of western Louisiana before any greater calamity occurred. The battles of Mansfield and Pleasant Hill jointly (although the former was much more decisive) influenced Banks to forget his objective of capturing Shreveport and entering Texas. Over the past two days estimated casualties were 3,100 total (US) 1,100; (CSA) 2,000. Sunday, April 10, 1864 : Former Tennessee Governor Harris is at Paris, Tennessee with a detachment of men, recruiting anyone from ages 18 to 45 to fight for the South. Major General Forrest (CSA) (pictured)
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