Chronological History of the American Civil War

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Friday, February 24, 1865 : In some sections of the United States lawlessness still prevails. At Switzer’s Mill, Missouri, Rebel guerrilla Poe, kills a man and hangs two negroes and robs another citizen. There is hard fighting in the rain drenched fields around Camden, South Carolina as Major General William T. Sherman (U.S.) and Lieut. General Wade Hampton (CSA) (pictured) argues in writing over the murders of certain Union soldiers, who were foraging. Hampton informs Sherman, that he has ordered the death of all Federal soldiers caught burning the homes and properties of citizens, of the Confederacy. Sherman is not happy about that. Saturday, February 25, 1865 : Because of bad weather, Sherman’s progress is delayed. General Joseph E. Johnston (CSA) assumes the command of the Army of Tennessee, and all troops in

the Confederate Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Johnston notifies General Robert E. Lee (CSA) that, he believes a combination of his troops with General Braxton Bragg (CSA) in North Carolina is necessary to mount any kind of obstruction to the forces, under Major General William T. Sherman (U.S.). Sunday, February 26, 1865 : On a McMinnville, Tennessee plantation, Lucy Virginia French writes in her journal: “Last Wednesday was the 22nd Feb. —the day appointed by the Johnson and Brownlow Convention for the people of Tenn. to vote the State back in the Union as a free State!… A sadder day and sadder faces, I think I never saw. It was an understood thing … that everybody should vote ‘Ratification.’ Federal bayonets were on hand—the motive power—and men marched doggedly into [McMinnville], voted, and immediately slunk home again—as if saddened—perhaps ashamed.” General Sherman’s march through the Carolinas are in Lynch’s Creek and Stroud Mill, South Carolina while, the half of his army is already pushing into North Carolina at Hanging Rock. In Arkansas, near Pine Bluff at McMilley’s Farm Union troops skirmish with guerrilla fighters. The most wanted Southern guerrilla leader was at the home of a Mr. Dawson, near Wakefield, Kentucky when, Dawson’s daughter Nannie requested him to write in her autograph album, and he wrote the following: “My horse is at the door, And the enemy, I soon may see. But, before I go Miss Nannie, Here’s a double health to thee.” Signed William Quantrill. Monday, February 27, 1865 : General Sheridan (U.S.) sends 10,000 cavalry to destroy the Virginia Central Railroad and James River Canal and capture Lynchburg. Lieut. General Jubal Early (CSA) attempts to gather as many Confederates as possible to deflect, this latest Union advance. Along Sherman’s march route, Union and Confederate forces are fighting at Mount Elon and Cloud’s House, South Carolina. There is also fighting at Spring Place, Georgia. At Petersburg, Virginia, General Robert E. Lee (CSA) is still concerned over the large number of desertions his army has been facing. The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia’s (CSA) strength is rapidly dwindling. Tuesday, February 28, 1865 : Fighting occurs at Rocky Mount and Cheraw, South Carolina. Nathan Bedford Forrest (CSA) is appointed to Lieut. General. Wednesday, March 1, 1865 : As the month of March opens, General Grant is preparing for a massive spring attack, against General Lee’s lines defending Richmond. Throughout the North optimism runs high, and the feeling prevails that the offensive would be the final thrust, and that Grant would take Richmond. It is widely believed, that the Confederacy is on the threshold of defeat. During the winter desertion had become considerable, as men became concerned about

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