Chronological History of the American Civil War

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wounded have been sent to St Louis or home on furlough where some of them will walk on stumps the remainder of their lives. The country will be full of cripples after this war is over.

Give my respects to all that enquire for me and tell my old friends, acquaintances and associates that I should like to drop in and spend an hour with them.

We are in the first Brigade of the fourth Division. Our Brig. General Pugh of Ill –our Major General Leauman of _____ fighting men both of them were at the battle of the Hatchie and distinguished themselves. We like our field officers much. Our Lieutenant Col is in Wisconsin sick. You now have the track of the 12th now and if you get the daily papers you will be able to follow with the mind’s eye our every move.

On the envelope Hervey Thayer writes "from the 12 Reg. Wis. Vol. now camped at Bolivar, Tenn."

Special thanks to Andrea Willett of Newport NH for sharing this piece of local Bolivar history on the Civil War and the Battle of the Hatchie

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