Chronological History of the American Civil War
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clothes, stole a locomotive near Kennesaw, Georgia. They headed north, destroying tracks and telegraph wires along the way in an effort to discourage pursuers and render the railroad useless for supplying the Confederate troops in Tennessee. William Allen Fuller, the conductor of the stolen train pursued the train hijackers on foot, by handcar, and in a variety of other locomotives. After an 87 mile chase, the stolen train lost power just north of Ringgold, Georgia, and Andrews and his raiders scattered. Andrews and his men were soon captured. At Shiloh Tennesss at Pittsburg Landing, John Houston Bills of Bolivar, Tennessee writes in his diary, "Remain in the enemy's camp on board the Steamer Tigress as prisoners. General Grant, treats us politely but says he must detain us." Sunday, April 13, 1862: Although little studied in later years, there had been a very strong and very serious attempt to set up a Confederate state in what is now New Mexico. This had reached its “high- water mark” at the Battle of Glorieta Pass last month--which the South had lost. Today the battle at Peralta, New Mexico that pursuit continued as Federal cavalry chased the remains of the Confederate forces into the area of El Paso. Delegates from Freedmen's Associations urge President to provide for the slaves on abandoned plantations at Port Royal, South Carolina. Still being held at Shiloh, John Houston Bills, writes in his diary, "Yet prisoners in Lincoln's Army. We stay on the boat paying our own fare $3 per day each." Monday, April 14, 1862: Today, just North of Memphis, Tennessee, Union gunboats on the Mississippi River pounded Fort Pillow installation unmercifully with mortars and other implements of war. Union soldier skirmish near the Sante Fe Road, in Missouri with William Clarke Quantrill's guerrillas. Still being held on board the Steamer Tigerss, John Houston Bills writes, "Yet prisoners and U.S. General Halleck has arrived, we fear it may be long before we are released." Tuesday, April 15, 1862: Skirmishing went on in Peralta, New Mexico Territory; Lost Creek, Missouri, and Picacho Pass, Arizona. In the latter, the Federal forces came out the victors, and this was not considered to be a good omen for the Confederate control of Tucson. At Shiloh, John Houston Bills writes, "Gen. Grant presents our case fairly to General Halleck and he releases us on parole of honor, no oath of allegiance proposed. We depart at 3 p.m. and sleep at Landers's 5 miles east of Purly," John Houston Bills finally will arrive back home in Bolivar the next day, sick and exhausted from this trip. Wednesday, April 16, 1862 : President Lincoln signed a bill that outlawed slavery in the District of Columbia freeing the estimated 3,500 slaves. This bill allowed $300 to be paid to the slave owner for each slave he could prove ownership. A year ago in the wake of Fort Sumter, men on both sides had flocked to the colors. Today, President Davis signed a bill that made all males living in the Confederacy aged between 18 and 35 liable for military service. Thursday, April 17, 1862 : Memphis Daily Appeal: “The Free Market in Memphis-We want our citizens to keep in mind that we have a freemarket in this city, at which, three times a week, the necessaries of life are dealt out "without money and without price" to the needy families of soldiers in the service of the Confederacy from this city. We are now feeding, of soldiers' families, 4,109 which consumes each week 2,318 lbs. bacon, 265 lbs. flour, 50 bushels peas, 900 lbs. rice, 75 bushels potatoes, 2,000 lbs. sugar, 120 gallons molasses, 55 bushels corn meal; 2 sacks salt, 4 boxes soap; also vegetables when we have them; the value of which is $1,456.95. The applications for relief are increasing from week to week. The funds on hand are ample for present purposes, and we rely confidently on the liberality of our citizens in sustaining the society for the future. We are desired to say that the society would be very thankful to country friends if they would send vegetables or any other produce of the farm or the garden they can spare, to No. 10 Shelby Street, between Union and Gayoso, for distribution. They can thus afford valuable assistance to a noble object.” Friday, April 18, 1862 : Today was commenced the Battle of New Orleans, with an attack on two defenses on the river below the city, Fort Jackson and Fort St. Phillip. Mortar fire from U.S. Navy gunboats was the form of the attack, an innovation proposed by Commander David Dixon Porter to his commander, and adoptive brother, David Glasgow Farragut. The attack would continue for most of a week, and the mortars indeed did little damage to the forts.
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