Chronological History of the American Civil War
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Wednesday, January 7, 1863 : The Philadelphia Press reports that all the bridges in East Tennessee have been burned. Other reports state that the East Tennessee Railroad has been destroyed, along with a locomotive and two cars, and that raiders have taken a large store of arms, flour, salt, and other supplies. Ozark, Missouri, is captured by Major General Sterling Price, (CSA), and Brig. General John Sappington Marmaduke, (CSA). Thursday, January 8, 1863 : Engagement at Springfield, Missouri, with Brig. General John Marmaduke, (CSA), being repulsed by the Union garrison there, burns part of the town and withdraws towards Rolla, Missouri. A skirmish breaks out at Knob Creek, near Ripley, Tennessee. Brig. General Joseph Wheeler's, (CSA) leads cavalry raids to Mill Creek, Harpeth Shoals, and Ashland, Tennessee. Over the next few days, Brigadier General Joseph Wheeler’s cavalry attacks Union General Rosecrans ’ supply train in Tennessee, burning over 450 Union supply wagons and capturing over 2,400 Union prisoners. Friday, January 9, 1863 : In the area south of St. Joseph’s, Florida, the Union ship U.S.S. “Ethan Allen ” sailed up, but there was little fighting but much destruction: the “Allen” was on a mission to destroy the salt manufacturers and all their equipment and reserves. The one they got today, was said to be producing 75 bushels of salt per day and selling it all at a good price in Richmond. In Missouri, General John S. Marmaduke led Confederate raids, with Col. Joseph C. Porter (CSA) led one column, comprising his Missouri Cavalry Brigade, out of Pocahontas, Arkansas, to assault Union posts around Hartville, Missouri. He quickly captured the town and moved on toward Marshfield. In Arkansas, Union troops under Major General John A. McClernand (U.S.) sought to stop Confederate harassment of Union shipping on the Arkansas River and possibly to mount an offensive against the Arkansas capital at Little Rock. Union boats began landing troops near Arkansas Post in the evening of January 9 and the troops started up river towards Confederate held Fort Hindman. Sherman's corps overran Confederate trenches, and the enemy retreated to the protection of the fort and adjacent rifle-pits. Holly Springs, Mississippi, is evacuated by the Union forces. Saturday, January 10, 1863 : In Missouri, Samuel Merrill commanded an approaching Union relief column from Houston, Missouri. He and his command arrived in Hartville that morning, discovered that the small garrison had already surrendered, and set out toward Springfield. His force went into camp on
Wood's Fork of the Gasconade River. Meanwhile in Arkansas, Flag Officer David D. Porter (U.S.) moved his fleet towards Fort Hindman at Arkansas Post on the Arkansas River and bombarded it, withdrawing at dusk. The French government made it clear that it was willing to mediate in the war should the government in Washington wish it to do so. Camille Armand Jules Marie Prince de Polignac, (CSA) (pictured) is appointed Brig. General. His nickname is the “Prince Polecat.” He was a French nobleman whose family today is linked to the Grimaldis of Monaco, a family who still rule that principality, today. When he died in Paris, France at the age of 81, Polignac was the last living Confederate major general. He was buried with his wife's family in Germany .
Sunday, January 11, 1863 : 32,000 Union forces commanded by General McClernand (U.S.) captured Fort Hindman (CSA) on the Arkansas River just 25 miles from the Mississippi River. The Confederate garrison was surrounded, and offered a white flag before the day was out. The Yankees lost around 130 men and suffered about 900 wounded, but they captured 5,000 Confederates and preserved Union commerce on the Arkansas and White Rivers. Near Galveston, the cruiser C.S.S. Alabama , commanded by Capt. Raphael Semmes, encountered the schooner U.S.S. Hatteras , commanded by Lt. Cmdr. Homer C. Blake (U.S.). The Hatteras had spotted a peculiar ship and closed in on it to investigate. When Blake got close enough, he recognized that it was the famed C.S.S. Alabama (CSA) . The two ships clashed, with the C.S.S. Alabama coming out on top. Skirmishes also fought at Lowry’s Ferry, Tennessee and Nathan Bedford Forrest is reported to be in Franklin, Tennessee “collecting horses, provisions, and conscripts (recruits).” Union ship U.S.S. Grampers Number Two is destroyed and sunk by the Confederate forces near Memphis, Tennessee, on the Mississippi River.
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