Focus Magazine

PROVIDER OF B2B ONLINE DISTANCE EDUCATION SERVICES • Operating in Mainland China • Turnover circa £223,000 • Provides online learning education services utilising • Tutors from top universities in the UK and USA, covering a multitude of education systems, including GCSEs, IB, AP and A-Levels • Owns and operates a comprehensive white label • Tutor management portal and B2B learning management system • Clients derive from across the education sector OFFERS INVITED REF: 162910 • Based in the West Midlands • Forecast turnover for YE22 of circa £700,000 with an EBITDA of £200,000, due to a newly introduced programme • Forecast YE23 turnover of circa £2.14 million • Provides unique, blended online courses for teachers, online libraries of best practice articles, online magazines and hard copy books and resources • Currently works alongside circa 1,000 educational clients PROVIDER OF LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES AND EXPERTISE PRIVATE TUITION FOR CHILDREN AGED FOUR-TO-SIXTEEN • Based in the East England • Turnover of circa £1.1 million with an adjusted EBITDA of £396,000 • Provides comprehensive tutoring services for students and young people • Benefits from a robust client base with high rate of return and repeat custom • Ideal acquisition for similar organisations looking to incorporate within an existing portfolio and increase market share • OFFERS INVITED REF: 163368

EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGYVIA ONLINE SIMULATIONS • Operating digitally • Turnover of in excess of £40,000 • Provides comprehensive educational services teaching topics such as marketing, sales, strategy and sustainability via online simulations • Services are available online and can be delivered globally • Benefits from strong client base catering to educational establishments, corporations, and individual learners worldwide • A fully remote opportunity PROVIDER OF CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES • Operating internationally • Turnover of circa £12,000 • Recruits Nannies and Au Pairs from Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US for British host families • Also organises placements for British live-in childcare recruits who wish to stay with host families in the US • Has a large client database and an excellent reputation for integrity and reliability • Fully relocatable opportunity DESIGNER AND SUPPLIER OF EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES • Based in the UK • Turnover of £15,000 in 2021 reflects a period of inactivity in STEM education during Covid • Turnover has been impacted negatively since 2017 caused by Brexit and Covid-19 from a peak of £324,000 in 2017/2018 • Serves the educational sector, providing resources to primary and secondary schools • A fully relocatable opportunity with fully developed social learning platform OFFERS INVITED REF: 162230 OFFERS INVITED REF: 163070

PROVIDER OF ADVICE AND SUPPORT TO HELP SCHOOLS • Operating across the UK and internationally • Turnover of circa £256,000, with an EBITDA of £27,000 • Offering comprises three key areas, including school improvement support, safeguarding and employability skills for young people • Works with circa 50 active and returning clients, with approximately 90% of sales deriving from current clientele • A fully relocatable opportunity CHILDREN’S SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL PLATFORM • Based in London • Turnover of circa £228,000 • Connects children across the globe via its unique social network to teach English on an international scale • Has worked with numerous governments and serves thousands of clients in an extensive range of countries • Significant content and technical IP • Operates remotely and is offered as a fully relocatable opportunity DEVELOPER OF EARLYYEARS CURRICULUMS • Based in East of England • Turnover in excess of £31,000, with an EBITDA of £21,000 • Has developed a developmental cognitive curriculum for Early Years for two- to seven-year olds, incorporating over 30 years of ground-breaking research from a group of eminent Russian psychologists, many with worldwide recognition • Provides a varied range of high quality educational resources • A fully relocatable opportunity OFFERS INVITED REF: 161892 OFFERS INVITED REF: 163246


REF: 162513


REF: 164689


REF: 164601


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