Spotlight Drama Awards 2021 - Nominations
Spotlight DramaAwards 2021
Most Accomplished Actor – Drama/Thriller/Tragedy Alan Clarke - David - Say Who You Are Chris Burton - Michael - Dead Certain Malcolm Cooper - Milton Farnsworth - A Fine Bright Day Today Most Accomplished Actress – Comedy/Farce Cherrill Wyche - Miss Nanette Parry - Breath of Spring Most Accomplished Actress – Drama/Thriller/Tragedy Victoria Johnson - Elizabeth - Dead Certain Jane Neman - Margaret Harvey - A Fine Bright Day Today Most Accomplished Comic Performance - Actress – Comedy/Farce Georgina Dalgliesh - Ethel - Love From a Stranger Most Accomplished Overall Production – Comedy/Farce Breath of Spring Most Accomplished Overall Production – Drama/Thriller/Tragedy A Fine Bright Day Today Most Accomplished Supporting Actor – Comedy/Farce Arthur Hulse - Brigadier Albert Raine - Breath of Spring Most Accomplished Supporting Actress – Comedy/Farce Christine Parry - Lady Alice Miller - Breath of Spring Georgina Dalgliesh - Lily Thompson - Breath of Spring Most Accomplished Supporting Actress – Drama/Thriller/Tragedy
Cherrill Wyche - Louise Garrard - Love From a Stranger Charlie Welsh - Rebecca Harvey - A Fine Bright Day Today
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