HK-042-Main Catalogue
25 May 2021
Stamps , Postal History and Banknotes of China and other Asia Countries
Lot number
Shanghai Amoy Chefoo Chinkiang Chungking Foochow Hankow Ichang Kewkiang Nanking
1 - 92 93 - 97 99 - 115 117 - 119 120 - 132 133 - 135 136 - 142 143 - 147 148 - 181 182 - 192 193 - 204 205 - 217 218 - 242 243 - 251 252 - 302 303 - 348 309 - 342 343 - 473 474 - 494 495 - 529 530 - 541 542 - 565 566 - 575 576 - 658 659 - 682 683 - 704 705 - 765 766 - 772 773 - 774 775 - 797 798 - 802 803 - 812 813 - 825 826 - 832 833 - 841 98 116
Local Post Collections IMPERIAL CHINA 1878-1885 Large Dragons
1885-1888 Small Dragons and surcharges 1894-1897 Empress Dowager and surcharges 1897 Red Revenue surchrages 1897-1902 Coiling Dragons Imperial China Postal Stationery Imperial China Postal History
Republic of China stamps Republic of China Proofs
Republic of China Postage Due Stamps & Postal History
Republic of China Special Issues Republic of China Collections Republic of China Postal Stationery Republic of China Postal History Prisoner of War and Censored Mail
Gold Yuan Peroid Silver Yuan Peroid PROVINCES Ki-Hei North Eastern
Sinkiang Szechwan Yunan Manchukuo
Japanese Occupation
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