HK036 - Main catalogue
1165 1941 (6 Oct.) A censor cover from Peking to USA, bearing large char. overprinted ‘HOPEI’ on SYS Dah Tung print 50c, tied by bilingual ‘SHANGHAI’, ‘Examined By/C.290’ censor label, a few water stain mark at right. Photo HK$ 400 - 500 1166 1941 (8 May) An air mail censor cover from Shanghai registered to USA, bearing SYS Dah Tung print 50c, $1 x 2 and $2 x 3, tied by bilingual ‘SHANGHAI’ cds, with double ring ‘AIR.TRANSIT/3’ in blue green, on reverse with ‘HONOLULU/19.5.41’ transit and faint St. JOSEF/23.5.41’ arrival cds, ‘Opened By Censor Hong Kong’ censor label x 2, one label damaged. Photo HK$ 2,500 - 3,000
1167 1941 (8 Oct.) A censored cover from Shanghai to New Zealand, bearing SYS New York print 50c with perfin ‘HSBC’ (Hongkong Shanghai Banking Cooperation) tied by bilingual ‘SHANGHAI’ cds, with ‘Not Opened By Censor in N.Z. 6’ violet frame chop. Perfin stamp on cover is scarce. Photo HK$ 900 - 1,200 1168 1941 (Mar.) A SYS 1c yellow orange stationery card from Shanghai to Vienna, Germany, overlapped by SYS London 2nd print 15c in pair, tied by bilingual ‘SHANGHAI’ cds, with Germany Eagle type censor machine red arrival cancel. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 2,000
1169 1941 (Mar.) An air mail cover from Canton to USA, bearing SYS London print 25c x 2 (colour faded) and Dah Tung print $2 block of 4, tied by faint char. ‘CANTON’ cds, alongside with ‘’A.V.2.’ violet circle and ‘Not Opened By Censor’ violet frame chop, with ‘HONG KONG/29.3.41’ transit on reverse. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 1170 1941 An incoming censor cover from USA to Canton, bearing USA 1 1/2c, tied by ‘WASHINGTON. D.C.’ wave cancel, with char. ‘HONGLOK/9.8.41’ transit and bilingual ‘CANTON/12.8.41’ slogan arrival cancel, plus ‘Not Opened By Censor’ HK censor frame chop in violet, roughly opened and effected the arrival cancel, a few creases. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,500
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