HK038-Main Catalogue
348 1883 (18 May) An incoming Large Dragon cover from Hong Kong to Peking, bearing Hong Kong QV 5c blue, tied by 'B62' obliterator, matching the single ring 'HONG.KONG/18.5.83' index 'B', Webb type Fi, with Large Dragon wide margin 3 cands brown red, tied by large 'TIENTSIN' seal chop antique type in black. On reverse with 'SHANGHAE/23.5.83', index 'A', British Post Office transit, Webb type Di and 'CUSTOMS/TIENTSIN/27.5.83' arrival cds. Extremely rare and fine. Photo The 'SHANGHAE' Webb type Di cancellation is generally used in combination with the 'S1' obliterator and is seldom found on a Large Dragon cover. There are less than twenty Hong Kong/Large Dragon combination covers believed to exist. This cover comes from a newly discovered archive in France and is worthy of an exhibition collection. HK$ 400,000 - 500,000
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