HK039-Basel Mission
The Basel Mission
The Basel Mission was a Switzerland-based Lutheran missionary society active from 1815 to 2001.
The society was first known as German Missionary Society, then as the Basel Evangelical Missionary Society for a time, and finally changed its name to the well-known Basel Mission. The society started training Dutch and British missionaries in 1816 while also establishing its own centres around the world including Western Russia, the Gold Coast in West Africa in 1828, India in 1834, China in 1847, Cameroon in 1886, Borneo in 1921, Nigeria in 1951, Latin America in 1972 and Sudan in 1973. On 19 March 1847, missionaries from the Basel Mission, Theodore Hamberg and Rudolph Lechler, along with missionaries from the Barmen Mission, Heinrich Köster and Ferdinand Genähr, arrived in Hong Kong and began working in Guangdong. Under the guidance of Karl Gützlaff, Theodore Hamberg and Rudolph Lechler focused on Hakka people in eastern Guangdong and they transferred to Hong Kong after completing their missionary work in the western part of Guangdong. Theodore Hamberg and Rudolph Lechler started Christian services among the Hakka people in Hong Kong on 9 February 1851 and the first baptism took place on 13 April of the same year. The first Basel church was founded in High Street, Sai Ying Pun in 1852 and the building became the Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Kau Yan Church.
巴色會原於1816年為荷蘭及英國傳道會訓練傳教士,該會其後亦投身傳教工作。巴色會多年來於全球各 地整開傳道工作,先於1828年於俄羅斯西部及西非黃金海岸建立會址,其後於1834年的印度、1847年的中 國、1886年的喀麥隆、1921年的婆羅洲、1951年的尼日利亞、1972年的拉丁美洲以及1973年的蘇丹地區建立 會址。 黎力基牧師與韓山明牧師以及柯士德牧師與葉納清牧師分別受巴色會以及巴冕差會差遣於1847年3月19日抵 達香港開始於廣東一帶傳道。黎力基與韓山明受郭士立牧師安排下首先向廣東東部的客家人傳道,二人完成 於廣東西部傳教工作後於1851年2月9日返回香港。 黎力基與韓山明返回香港後立即展開對香港客家人的傳道工作,並於同年4月31日為第一批客家信徒舉行洗 禮。二人期後於1852年於西營盤高街成立第一所巴色會教會,此教會亦於多年後成為今天的基督教香港崇真 會救恩堂。
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