

864 1931 (22 June) A cover to USA, bearing overprinted ‘For use in Ki-Hei’ on Junk 5c and Reaper 15c, tied by illegible cancel, with ‘Return To Writer…’ USA Frame chop in violet on front, with bilingual ‘STANDFORD/20.8.31’ arrival cds, since the fall of Northeast during the Sino-Japanese war, it could only go to Shanghai, hence with bilingual ‘SHANGHAI/1.32’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 600 - 800

865 1931 A cover to Switzerland, via Siberia, bearing overprinted ‘For use in Ki-Hei’ on Reaper 20c tied by faint cancellation, re-franked 3c, tied by bilingual TSITSIHAR’ (齊齊哈爾) cds, with ‘LUZERN/25.7.31’ arrival cds. On reverse with illegible bilingual ‘MANCHULI’ and ‘SEELISBERG/25.7.31’ transit. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,800



866 1931 (23 May) A cover from Changchun registered to Wiesbaden, Germany, on front bearing overprinted ‘For Use In Ki-Hei’ on Reaper 30c, and Junk 10c on reverse, both tied by the neat bilingual ‘CHANGCHUN’ cds, with ‘WIESBADEN/3.6.31’ arrival cds. Roughly opened at the top. Photo HK$ 600 - 800


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