

949 1917 (9 Oct.) A cover from Mongolia registered to Kalgan, on front with ‘R/ALTANBULAK’ reg. frame chop in black. On reverse with Mongolia 25m in pair, tied by ‘ALTANBULAK/ MONGOLIA’ frame chop in black, with bilingual ‘PEKING/1?.10.17’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 2,500 950 1927 (28 Sept. ) A cover from Ulanbator to Kalgan, on reverse bearing Mongolia 5mg, 20mg and 25mg, both tied by double ring ‘ULANBATOR’ cds, with bilingual ‘MANCHOULI/10.10.27’ transit, and additional 2nd Peking print Junk 10c, tied by illegible foreign double ring cancel, dated 6.10.27. Photo HK$ 2,600 - 3,000



Ex. 952

951 1936 Manchukuo 4th issue. 4f olive green booklet, complete pane with jacket and original paper wrap. The pane detached from the jacket. Photo HK$ 1,800 - 2,200 952 A small group of the Manchukuo commemorative sets, total 19 stamps in 4 complete sets, mint and very lightly hinged, nearly unmounted. Photo HK$ 400 - 500



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