
Ex. 960

960 1943 Surcharged ‘Temporarily Sold’ on SYS Chung Hwa print, 25c on $2,000 on $5 complete set of 31, Plus extra $10 on 8c reengraved type, $6 on 5c olive green, all values comes in full sheet of 200 or quarter sheet x 4, (total 200 sets). Unmounted and minor toning. JC6-JC36, JC11a, JC20a. Photo HK$ 26,000 - 30,000

Ex. 961

961 1943 Surcharged ‘Temporarily Sold’ on SYS Dah Tung no watermark print, $1 on 8c to $2,000 on $5 complete set of 22, plus extra $1.70 on 30c perf. 14, $3 on 8c perf. 14 and $10 on 10c perf. 12 1/2. all values in complete sheet of 200 or quarter sheets of 50 x 4, (total 200 sets), unmounted and minor toning. Chan JC43-JC64, JC44b, JC47avi, JC51b. Photo HK$ 26,000 - 30,000


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