

990 1903 (8 June) A cover from Tientsin to England, via Siberia, bearing overprinted ‘KITAI’ on Arms types 10k x 2, tied by single ring ‘NEWCHWANG/No.13’ Military cancel, with the same cancel alongside, on reverse with CIP Coiling Dragon 5c block of 4, tied by faint ‘TIENTSIN’ cds, a nice Boxer Rebellion mixed franking cover. Photo HK$ 4,000 - 5,000 991 1907 (1 July) A cover to Paris, France, bearing Russian Arms type 4k red strip of 3, tied by double ring ‘MANCHULI- HARBIN/261’ Train post office cancel x 2, with ‘PARIS/30.7.07’ machine arrival cancel, fine. Photo HK$ 2,800 - 3,000


992 1909 (29 Jan.) A Japanese picture postcard sent to Germany, bearing Russian Eagle design 4k red, tied by single ring Russian P.O. in China cancel. Photo HK$ 500 - 600 993 1914 (3 Apr.) An opened registration cover sent to USA, bearing overprinted ‘KITAI’ on Arm types 14, 2k x 2 and 15k, tied by ‘SHANGHAI’ Russia P.O cds, ‘NEW YORK/2.5.14’ arrival oval cancel x 2 and ‘SCRANTON/2.5.14’ arrival cds, with stain marks. Photo HK$ 900 - 1,000




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