


1111 1935 (23 Apr.) A cover registered to Gothenburg, Sweden, bearing Japanese Mount Fuji 2s, Tazawa 30s, both tied by char. ‘DAIREN’ Japanese design cds, with faint ‘DAIREN/I.J.P.O./24.4.35’ transit. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,400 1112 1901 (25 Apr.) A postcard registered to Hamburg, Germany, bearing overprinted ‘KITAI’ on Arms types 1k, 3k and 10k, tied by large double ring ‘CHEFOO’ Russia. P.O cds, with ‘R/Chefoo China’ reg. frame chop in violet and was overlapped by a Russian reg. label, with faint ‘HONG KONG’ transit tied on 1k,a few Russian post marks, and ‘HAMBURG/15.6.01’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 3,200 - 3,500



1113 1902 (12 Sept.) A cover to Lyon, France. Bearing overprinted ‘KITAI’ on Arm types. 1k, 2k, 5k and 7k block of 6, tied by double ring ‘SHANGHAI’ Russia P.O cds. On reverse with ‘HONG KONG/16.9.02’ transit and ‘LYON/16.10.02’ arrival cds. Fine. Photo HK$ 700 - 1,000 1114 1903 (24 Oct.) A mixed franking post card to France, bearing CIP Coiling 4c, tied by bilingual ‘SHANGHAI’ cds, with overprinted ‘KITAI’ on Arms types 1k and 3k, tied by faint double ring ‘SHANGHAI’ Russian. P.O cds, with ‘NORD/17.11.03’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 3,600 - 4,000


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