
424 1906 (10 June) A cover to Japan, bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 1c and 2c, both tied by bilingual ‘CANTON’ cds, with ‘MATSUMINE’12.6.06’ arrival cds. And illegible ‘I.J.P.O’ transit alongside. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,400


425 1906 (12 Feb.) An incoming picture postcard from England to Peking, bearing GB KE 1p red, tied by ‘BRIGTON’ cds, ‘SHANGHAI/B.P.O/27.3.06’ Br. P.O transit and bilingual ‘PEKING/23.3.06’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 200 - 300


426 1906 (24 Oct.) A stampless fragment of newspaper wrapper, tied by bilingual ‘TIENTSIN’ cds, alongside with a 36mm double ring in bilingual ‘L.P.O;TIENTSIN in black. Photo HK$ 500 - 600


427 1906 (3 Feb.) A picture postcard to Shanghai, bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 1c, tied by bilingual ‘NANKING’ cds, with ‘SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/5.2.06’ arrival cds alongside. Photo HK$ 300 - 400



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