(PDF) HK035-Main

1221 1929 (19 Feb.) An air crash cover from France to Saigon, bearing Sower 50c x 2, 1f block of 10, Olivier Merson 10f, tied by ‘Poste Aerienne/ France-Indo-Chine’ cds, handstamped ‘Paid Interrompu/Par Accid/ Retour a l’envoyeur’ blue chop in 3 lines and signature in red on one Sower 50c handstamped ‘ANNULE’. Photo HK$ 600 - 700 1222 1936 (19 Sept.) An air mail cover from Saigon to New York, USA, bearing air mail 60c dark brown x 2 tied by ‘SAIGON’ cds, on reverse with ‘NEWYORK/6.10.36’ arrival cancel. Photo HK$ 200 - 300 1222 1221



1223 1938 (29 July) A First Flight cover from Hanoi to Germany, bearing Air Mail 11c red, tied by ‘HANOIR.P/TONKIN’ cds, with ‘Hanoi-Saigon/ Pan Air France’ cachet in red, fine. Photo HK$ 100 - 200

1224 1946 (10 June) A First Flight cover from France to Saigon, bearing France 1f and surtax 4f+1f brown in strip of 3, tied by ‘PARIS’ cds, ‘REOUVERTURE DE LA LIGNE/ FRANCEINDOCHINE’ BLUE CACHET. ‘SAIGON/14.6.46’ arrival cds on reverse. Fine. Photo HK$ 100 - 200 1225 1948 (9 May) A First Flight cover from Haiphong to Hong Kong, bearing alongside Indochine 80c brown orange in pair, tied by ‘HAIPHONG/ TONKIN’ cds, with special ‘Hanoi- Haiphong-Hongkong/Par Air France’ cachet in black, with ‘HONG KONG/10.5.48’ arrival cds on reverse. Fine. Photo HK$ 100 - 200 1226 1930’sA red band cover form Indo-China to Swatow, China. On reverse bearing Indo-China, Plowing near Tower of Confucius 5c violet in pair, tied by faint ‘COCHINA’ cds. Photo HK$ 300 - 500




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