(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy

Hainan, Chushan, Quemoy 海南、舟山、金門

解放海南島 Liberation of Hainan Island ​ On 10th March 1950, the People’s Liberation Army successfully crossed the Hainan Strait. The two important northern cities Haikow and Mencheong were liberated on 24th March 1950 and the southern city of Sanya was liberated on 30th March 1950. 1st May 1950 was the date of liberation of the entire Hainan Island, with the fall of Changkiang KMT’s last strong hold in the island. Until now only two recorded post liberation Hainan Silver Yuan covers.​ 1950年三月10日,解放軍成功強渡海南海峽,三月24日解放海口、文昌,海南南部城市亦於三月30日解放,五月1日隨著 佔據鄭江,海南全島解放。海南解放後沿用銀元實寄封, 至今只紀錄兩件。​


3114 海南全島解放當日實寄封 Letter mailed on the Day of Liberation of Hainan Island

One of the two recorded Silver Yuan Postage covers sent from the liberated Hainan 由已解放的海南寄出的銀圓封, 暫知存世記錄兩件 ​ Mailed on 1st May 1950 mailed from Haikow (1950.03.24) to Hong Kong, affixed with one Domestic Unit stamp, which equivalent to 5 fen Hong Kong postage rates.​ 1950年5月1日, 寄自海口 (1950.03.24) 往香港. 上貼國內平信單位票一枚, 符合香港平郵5分郵資。​ HK$ 25,000 - 30,000


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