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3012 滙兌印紙 - 九江誤謬 Kiukiang – CNC Money Order used as Silver Yuan postage ​

In late April/early May, amid the changing to Silver Yuan postage rates, the newly issued Basic and Unit stamps could not reach North Kiangsi, namely Shangjao, Fowliang, Kiukiang areas, due to the Battle of Crossing the Yangtze. As a solution, the post offices in the area used DPP as postage for domestic mails. However, DPP could not cater for the Silver Yuan postages for local post cards – 2 fen, domestic printed materials – 2 fen, international aerogram – 20 fen, international surface mail – 10 fen and international airmail – 40 fen. To cope with this situation, the Kiukiang MCC used the $1,000 apple green Central Trust Lithographed Telecommunications Pagoda Money Order stamp of 1945 surcharged as $200,000 in CNC (Chinese National Currency), as equivalent of 2 fen Silver Yuan. The exchange rate of Silver/Gold Yuan was 1:10,000,000 during early June 1949 in Kiukiang. As CNC was abolished since August 1948, it is therefore highly probable that when surcharging the Pagoda Money Order, the Kiukiang Military Control Commission was mistreating CNC as Gold Yuan.​ 五月初當中華郵政探用銀元郵資時,單位及基數郵票,因渡江戦役不能運扺贛北-即上饒、浮梁、九江一帶,此地區郵 局唯有採用 國內郵資己付戳 (DPP) 來䖏理國內郵件,這方法在其它受渡江戦役影響的地區,如蘇南、晥南、浙江,鄂 東也都採用。但 DPP 不能用於國內印刷(郵資2分)及國際郵件。九江在1949年五月二十日解放,但當要處理國際郵件 時,九江郵局以國幣時期的滙兌印紙作為郵資使用,此時匯兌印紙的面值已”自然地” 轉為金圓,而九江當時的金/銀兌 換率為1千萬:1。​ ​ Letter sent from Kuikiang on June 7 1949 (49.05.20) to New York affixed with five Money Order stamps surcharged as CNC $200000. The one million CNC on cover was treated as 10 fen Silver Yuan which was the postage for international service mail. Up till now only six recorded covers of CNC Money Order used for Silver Yuan postage. All of them were sent from Kiangsi liberated areas ​ 所示的國際平郵封是1949年六月七日由九江 (49.05.20) 寄紐約,上貼彙兌印紙加蓋 “暫作二十萬” 五枚,相等銀元十分,符 合當時國際平郵郵資。此等郵品至今發現六件,全是解放後沿用。​ HK$ 18,000 - 20,000


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