(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3040 加盖“福州”局名票封 Cover with Handstamped “Foochow” ​

A cover mailed to the U.S. from Foochow on 22nd August 1949. It was franked with one 1 fen and one 4 fen Dr. SYS Hwa Nan Print basic currency stamps with a “Foochow” seal and one 10 fen Fukien basic currency stamp overprinted with “Foochow”, 15 fen in total, consistent with international ordinary mail postage at the time. It transited Shanghai on 21st September and then transported to its destination in the U.S. On 17th August 1949, Foochow was liberated. It is the only recorded extant post- liberation cover to be franked with handstamped “Foochow” basic currency stamp with a hand-stamped “Foochow”.​ 所示的实寄封是1949年8月22日由福州寄美国,贴华南版孙山中像基数邮票1分及4分手盖 “福州” 各1枚、福建基数邮票10 分加盖局名“福州”1枚,合共平信15分,符合其时国际平信15分资费。9月21日经上海中转,然后运往目的地美国。1949年 8月17日,福州解放。解放后沿用的福建基数邮票局名手盖 “福州” 封,目前仅发现一件。​ HK$ 17,000 - 20,000


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