Wed (FINAL) HK033-Main without code (Feb-6)
The viewing of the following lots is only available in our office during normal business hours. 下列的古物祇能在敝公司的辦公時間閱覽 .
1647 Late Shang Dynasty: BC16-BC11, Three Legs Jug Bronze Vessels, with chain handle, used to contain wine, with tone spots and soil inside the jug, approx. size: 21 x 21 x 43. Photo 商代晚期 : 公元前 16- 公元前 11 世紀 , 三腳青銅提壺 , 盛酒用 , 有銹漬及內有泥土漬 . 呎吋約 : 21x 21 x 43 厘米 . HK$ 58,000 - 65,000 274
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