(p.1-231) HK034-Main
694 1910’s A picture postcard to Bulgaria, via Siberia, bearing London print Junk 4c red, tied by bilingual ‘KULING’ cds. Plus faint transit and arrival cds. Photo HK$ 300 - 400 695 1912 (Dec.) A cover from Shantung to England, via Siberia, bearing Coiling Dragon 10c ultramarine (faded), tied by char. ‘SHANTUNG’ Lunar cds, date not clear, alongside ‘CHOWCHUEN POST OFFICE’ Tombstone cancel in black, on reverse with bilingual ‘TIENTSIN/12.12’ and ‘TIEN.TSIN/5.12.12’ Fr. P.O transit, ‘STONY.STRATFONT/19.12.12’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,500
696 1913 (1 Nov.) A large parcel wrapper from Kirin to England, bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 4c red in pair, 30c carmine and 50c green, both tied by bilingual ‘KIREN’ cds, with Imperial Post Customs Declaration receipt and tied by the same cancellation, a rare late usage of Imperial stamps during ROC period. Ex. Paul Ke Shing Chang collection, 張愷升舊藏 . Photo HK$ 20,000 - 25,000 697 1913 (26 Mar.) A red band cover sent to Chili, on front tied by char. ‘CHILI’ Lunar cds, with char. Index ‘The Second Year’ ‘ 二 年 ’, on reverse with overprinted ‘ROC’ on Coiling Dragon 3c green, tied by faint cancel. Fine. Photo HK$ 700 - 800 698 1913 (4 Jan.) A red band cover from Tientsin to Chengting, on reverse bearing overprinted ‘ROC’ on Coiling Dragon 3c, tied by bilingual ‘TIENTSIN’ cds, with bilingual ‘CHENGTING/4.1.13’ arrival cds. Ex. Paul Ke Shing Chang collection, 張愷升舊藏. Photo HK$ 1,300 - 1,500
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