AECI Eco-Schools Water Education Project 2020 - Modderfontein


The monetary savings could be used for other priorities on the school. This focus on water and sanitation encouraged behavioural change amongst staff and learners, valuable in a water- stressed country.

In year two, the focus was on water conservation and sanitation . There remains an issue of water wastage and water shortage in Tembisa as a whole and when municipal water cuts are implemented, learners are released to go back home because the school cannot supply this basic need. Due to these water issues, water points were identified at the schools where water dispensers for drinking (either in or outside the classrooms), tippy taps (close to bathrooms) for washing hands were strategically placed and we started installing Jojo tanks to capture rainwater to be used when water is not available through the municipal supply. WESSA assisted further by educating the learners about the importance of saving water and how it can help sustain the environment. WESSA also encouraged learners to bring plastic bottles from home and the Eco-team to manage the collections in their classes and classify them . The water saving projects kicked-off with schools conducting water audits and maintenance on infrastructure. The water saving equipment were then installed and implemented. Collectively, the schools saved 48.3% of water or 1280 kilolitres of water which is estimated at R121, 810.


At the start of year three, we initiated two additional projects. These were Climate Change and School Grounds . The schools were working towards their eco-audit and the initiation of new projects. The schools worked towards developing energy saving projects and linked energy to climate change . We demonstrated in a teacher workshop a climate simulation model which were to be replicated in the classroom to showcase the effects and impacts of climate change. Unfortunately, the President’s announcement to close schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic hindered the plans significantly. External organisations were not allowed on schools even after they reopened. This was because schools needed to quickly catch up with time lost teaching curriculum. It is then that we developed the COVID-19 Response Strategy to respond to the Department of Education’s three top priority areas. The strategy was endorsed by DBE and funders. We officially implemented the strategy on 14 September in Gauteng Province.

Water wastage at Edleen Primary found during the Eco-audit.

Dumpsites such as this was targeted in and around participating schools.

Community Clean up in Tembisa.


AECI Modderfontein 2020

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