EnviroKids 38 Marine & Blue Flag Summer 2017
Let’s take a closer look at how technology is helping marine scientists to explore our oceans, and what they’ve found down there. Did you know that 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by ocean? The huge area, and depths of up to 12 kilometres, make the sea difficult to e[plore. Scientists have to use special equipment to study the seabed, including sonar systems , which use sound to map the sea floor, and camera and light systems in special waterproof covers . DEEP SECRETS
TECH #1 Meet the ROV! South Africa’s Department of Science and Technology bought a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) for the African Coelacanth (cosystem 3rogramme. 9ideos and photo graphs taken by the ROV are analysed by scientists who identify and count the animals they see, and describe different habitat types. They use this information to make habitat maps, give advice on how best to manage marine species and ecosystems, and identify areas that are important to protect.
habitat maps show us different types of ecosystems in the ocean. ([amples of habitats on land include forests, grasslands and fynbos. In the sea, habitat type depends on the type of seabed (rock, sand, mud or gravel), depth, and ocean characteristics (temperature, currents, o[ygen levels and more . +abitat type determines what plants and animals live in an area. 2cean habitats include reefs, canyons, the sandy plains of the abyss, and undersea mountains known as seamounts. Bonus fact: some animals, like corals and sponges, provide homes or habitats for other animals!
guess what? So far, less than 5% of the ocean floor has been studied in any detail. This means there are still plenty of e[citing discoveries for you to make! Sea fans and sponges on an Amanzimtoti deep reef, photographed by ROV at a depth of 6 metres. © ACEP Spatial Solutions Project
A ROV is like an underwater drone: it has a camera, bright lights, and propellers which are controlled remotely by a pilot on a boat. Scientists on board the boat can see what the ROV’s cameras are capturing on T9 screens. © ACEP
EnviroKids Vol. 38(4), Summer 2017 11
Words Kerry Sink & Ryan Palmer
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