EnviroKids 38 Marine & Blue Flag Summer 2017
ENTERTAINMENT CORNER (the movie) Paddington 2
DiD you know? In the 3addington
The film that made the most money in %ritain in 2 1 was
Paddington , about the totally lovable bear who wears red :ellington boots and eats marmalade ± lots of it %ecause the first film was such
stories, author 0ichael %ond originally wrote that our favourite bear had come to London from Africa, until his agent told him that there weren¶t any bears in Africa They chose 3eru in South America instead, as it is the home of the spectacled bear. This dark furred bear has a lighter patch over its face and bib, which makes the dark patches around its eyes look like reading glasses
a success, they¶re making a seTuel. This time 3addington is on the trail of a book thief. &atch the movie on the big screen this summer
© Mille19/Dreamstime
Where in the world? My First Animal Atlas Lapa 3ublishers is filled with fun facts about more than 2 animals from all over the world. :hile each continent is represented, author :endy 0aartens and illustrator Alistair Ackermann chose to focus on South Africa, dedicating more than half the book to e[ploring our country¶s wildlife. :e love that they included a section on how you and your family can make a difference to animal conservation, as well as the pages showing the flags of the world. :e challenge you to try and learn them all
How well do you know your dog? +ave you ever wondered how a dog sees and smells the world" :ell, scientist and author Ale[andra +orowit] did, and she¶s written a book about her findings Inside of a Dog: Young Readers Edition Simon Schuster reveals the mysteries of doggy behaviour, describing the author¶s own Tuest to understand her dog 3umpernickel¶s point of view.
STUDY TIP: Written for ages 8 and up, this book includes a reading guide for group discussions.
© Marc Cronje*
18 EnviroKids Vol. 38(4), Summer 2017
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