Mdukatshani - Fifty Years of Beading

Msobho Dladla was asleep when his parents were shot dead at night in October 1980. The baby Khokho, was still suckling her dead mothers’ breast when the police arrived next morning and gently detached her. The seven children of the family would be cared for by the elder sister.

Children are always a joy. Phangiwe MaKhambilemfe Dladla with her grandchild, Celimphilo.

Phontshi Mvelase with her twins, Sonto and Mumula, watched over by their little sister Maseni (the twins were 5 when she was killed).

Khombisile Mvelase learns to weave a copper egg while her small son Vela lies in her lap. In 1985 she lost her first born son Bhekimbheko when he was shot and killed with his grandmother, Phikabesha Dladla, while they were asleep at night. The boy was not yet two.

Mdukatshani – Fifty Years of Beading


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