Mdukatshani - Fifty Years of Beading

SOME OF OUR CUSTOMERS Our customers have shared the hardships – and helped us by providing friendship and support, as well as many new ideas and designs. Few have survived the past few years of economic difficulty. Thank you all for trying to find a wider market for our crafts.

piece – Eugenie Drakes Heartworks – Margaret Woermann Africa Nova -Nick and Margie Murgatroyd Delagoa -Graskop, Pretoria and Dullstroom.

Art Africa – Linda and Karen Art on Connection – Sophie Ferrand Hazard The Bridge Foundation – Susie and Kim

Dr. Rose Wagner Molly McCallum Bat Shop Buy Afrika Amelia Broderic Ifaniso (Pty) Ltd – Hlengi Dube Wolfgang Schnekenburger Mai Mai – Fiona Rankin Smith Abercrombie and Kent The Kraal Gallery Cape Gallery Gold of Africa Museum Brigitte Jacobs The Gallery Shop African Threads -Valerie Hearder Baskets of Africa African Art and Living Threads of Africa and

D and J Design – Wendy Visser Local Works -Ina Marie Killian Gold Restaurant The Irresistibles -Fiona Armstrong

Zulu Craft – Karen Muir Queen Bead -Lulu Pillay Kim Sacks Gallery Ricca Turgel Barbara Lindop Melange – Colvin English David Arment Lisa Goldberg Dave and Sue Charles Sean Earle

When Fiona Armstrong started selling our beads on Fifth Avenue, New York in 1980, she opened American markets to the project for the first time. A gifted teacher who won awards for her work teaching immigrant families in New York, Fiona ran the bead buisness part time as a passion. She was a regular visitor to Mdukatshani, and had become a major outlet for our beads when she died in 2003.

Craft Council -Wendy Goldblatt AMWA – Lindy and Solly Levy Muscade , Mauritius Lynelle Gradwell Tatham Art Gallery – Mary Kleinenberg Carnegie Art Gallery - Judy Jordan African Art Centre African Attitude

Caroyln Jacoby and the Peace Corps girls Ryan Ruggeiro, Kathleen Newell, and Rachel Anedy.

Creina, Natty Duma and crafters in the bead room on a bead day

Editorial: Creina Alcock, Rauri Alcock Photograph credits: Tessa Adni: Pages 10, 11,12, 13,18, 19, 21, 38 Creina Alcock : Pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12,14,16, 17, 22, 28 Rauri Alcock: Pages 8, 9, 10, 19,23,24, 25,26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,32, 33, 35,36, 37, 38, 39,40,41,44, 45, 46, 47,48, 49,51, 52, 53, 54, 55 Jimmy Limberis: Page 19 Mark Marais: Page 43

Mdukatshani – Fifty Years of Beading


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