SAEP Annual Report 2021_SA

Equipped with education and life skills to maximise their potential and contribute to society

Reflection from the CEO The first 12 months of my journey as the new CEO of SAEP were indeed an exciting experience as we began to implement the new strategic three-year growth plan. It was an interesting learning curve on many levels. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic continued to be a major factor in 2021 in SAEP’s programme to educate the children and youth of Philippi and surrounds to offer them a brighter future. Despite the Covid-19 regulations and related challenges, our team persevered and were innovative in supporting our beneficiaries across the education spectrum in the best ways possible. Our staff has shown great resilience, staying committed and dedicated to serving the community we focus on despite an onslaught of targeted violence. There were three car hijackings in this period, which left staff traumatised and led to the loss of two of our three vehicles, which were not recovered. These events impacted profoundly on the morale of staff and operations. But we always overcome adversity to continue to deliver quality programmes to the community we serve, which is ravaged by a myriad of socio-economic issues that create barriers to learning among young children and youth.

Programme overview

Tertiary support programme

Educating for a brighter future

Graduate from tertiary education

Bridging Year post-secondary Programme Accepted to tertiary education

70 tertiary students

Hope Scholars Programme

60 post-matric students

Uptake of STEM subjects at secondary level

Siyakhathala Primary Project Improved literacy & learning habits

3 schools

Early Childhood Development

3 schools

Safe, sustainable & quality learning spaces

On the positive side, there are many highlights to report, including developments in ECD infrastructure and the expansion of the Reading and Literacy programme to a second school – Vukani Primary. Highlights also include the flexibility of the implementation model of the post- matric programmes and progress towards obtaining accreditation for the Digital Literacy module. We have also strengthened the environmental theme in the work we do and adopted an Education for Sustainable Development approach. The latter includes piloting a Schools Indigenous Greening project in four schools. Our capacity to expand our programmes has been boosted by eight Groen Sebenza interns (funded by Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment) for 12 months, who are strategically spread across the organisation.

140+ ECD centres

Improve the social and economic development of Philippi

Philippi We have a growth plan for each of the programmes which we will share as it develops. Nurture, prepare and motivate children and youth from under-resourced communities to thrive through education, life skills and psycho-social support.

Despite the Covid-19

regulations and related challenges, our team persevered and were innovative in supporting our beneficiaries

Programme statistics

Ongoing counselling cases

Social work groups

Total Number of beneficiaries

Psychosocial Support

SAEP wishes to thank our loyal supporters, funders and partners throughout this difficult period and the struggling global economic climate. We look forward to welcoming new partners and funders on board. We are confident that, as we grow towards sustainability,




ECD mentoring sessions

TSP adviser sessions

Mentoring and Coaching

across the education spectrum in the best ways possible.

continue to learn as an organisation and strive towards excellence in providing much-needed support to the communities we serve, SAEP’s



programme offering – from cradle to career – will also continue to be an attractive investment to many potential funders out there. Donavan Fullard Chief Executive Officer

Male 300

Learning Materials 58

Food parcels

Food vouchers


Thuso Relief Fund Distribution




Workshops & Activities



Female 917

Environmental Awareness





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