WESSA Groen Sebenza Handbook 2021
• This agreement terminates automatically on the end date stated in Clause 5 of your skills agreement. • Such termination shall not be construed by the intern as being a retrenchment. • If you are absent for more than three consecutive days without informing the Host/WESSA of an intention to return to work or training will have automatically terminated the contract (desertion), in terms of the termination rules under the EPWP. However, you may be re-engaged if agreed to by the participant’s Host and WESSA. • Summary dismissal may take place after a disciplinary hearing. In such instances the agreement may be terminated with immediate effect without notice pay. However, all other monies due to the intern will be paid. • If you no longer have a placement at a host institution, for whatever reason; and where WESSA has not been able to reassign the intern to an alternate host, despite having taken reasonable steps to do so; then WESSA reserves the right to terminate this contract. DISCIPLINARY • You will be required to adhere to the disciplinary procedures of WESSA and their Host Organisation. • These Rules and Regulations will be explained at the Induction and the you will be required to sign acknowledgement thereof. • Summary dismissal may occur due to, but not limited to any of the serious acts of misconduct listed in WESSA’s Policies. INTOXICANTS • It is specifically forbidden for you to report for duty under the influence of alcohol or chemical substances, to partake of or be in your possession during working hours. • As per the skills agreement you agree to submit to an alcohol test at any time during working hours on the premise, should the Host Institution call upon you to do so.
• You shall be issued with a laptop and laptop bag. • The laptop remains an asset of DFFE for the duration of the project. • It is your responsibility to look after the device and report any incidences relating to the laptops (loss, stolen, damaged). • An asset register form will need to be filled out upon receiving the laptop.
Groen Sebenza Handbook
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