2023 Q3 FBINAA ASSOCIATE digital magazine

FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., National Academy Building 8-102 Quantico, VA 22135


FBINAA.ORG | Q3 2023

F EATURE S 08 Meet the New President 10 Denver National Annual Training Conference Highlights 14 FBI National Academy 2023 Memory Roll 16 Recycling, Law Enforcement and the Public Together Can Stop Catalytic Converter Theft Through Building Trust and Cooperations – Todd Foreman 18 The Importance of Mobile Routers in Police Operations – Dale Stockton 24 How to Hire Faster in a Post-Pandemic World – Tyler Miller 30 The Crucial Role of Risk Management During Off-Duty Work – William Varanelli



COLUMNS 04 Association Perspective 20 FBINAA Charitable Foundation 23 Historian’s Spotlight 27 A Message from Our Chaplain

EACH ISSUE 06 Strategic / Academic Alliances

AD INDEX – 5.11

29 T-Mobile 35 CRI-TAC – JFCU


NATIONAL BOARD Association President / SCOTT RHOAD Chief/Director of Public Safety University of Central Missouri (MO) (Ret.), Past President / TIM BRANIFF Manager-Emergency Management Sound Transit (WA), 1st Vice President / CRAIG PETERSEN Sales Account Manager, ProLogic ITS (MS), 2nd Vice President / WILLIAM J. CARBONE Detective (OSI) NYS. Attorney General's Office, New York City Police Department (Ret.), 3rd Vice President / JIM GALLAGHER Public Safety Advisor, Fusus, Phoenix Police Department (Ret.),

Representative, Section II / LARRY DYESS Captain, Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office (LA),

Representative, Section III / TIM CANNON Special Agent Supervisor, Florida Lottery (FL),

Representative, Section IV / STEPHEN HRYTZIK Chief, Powell Police Department (OH),

Chaplain / MIKE HARDEE Senior Manager, Covert Investigations Group (FL),

Historian / JOHN SIMMONS Chief of Police (Retired), Mission (KS) Police Department, FBI Acting Assistant Director / WAYNE A. JACOBS FBI Training Division (VA) Executive Director / JEFF MCCORMICK FBINAA National Office,

Representative, Section I / BILL GARDINER Deputy Director, Idaho State Police,

J ULY 20 - 2 3


2 FBINAA.ORG | Q3 2023

Q3 2023 | Volume 25/Number 3 The National Academy Associate is a publication of the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc.

FBINAA.ORG | Q3 2023

CALL FOR ASSOCIATE MAGAZINE ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Call for Article Submissions on 21st Century contemporary trends, challenges, and issues facing the global law enforcement community. The National Academy Associate Magazine, the official publication of the FBI National Academy Associates, is seeking subject matter experts 21st Century Policing Topics for Consideration: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND CURRENT TRENDS COMMUNITY POLICING BODY-WORN CAMERAS LEGISLATION AND IMPLEMENTATION EXTREME RADICAL GROUPS AND INTERACTIONS ON BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT HOMEGROWN RACE = BASED VIOLENT EXTREMISM CIVIL UNREST AND PROTEST ISSUES: PROTEST PROCEDURES/ACTIONS TACTICAL RESPONSE RECRUITING MEDIA RELATIONS FINANCES/BUDGETS DURING TIMES OF CRISIS RECRUITING DIVERSITY OFFICER HEALTH AND WELLNESS RETIRED MEMBER FITNESS to write original, unpublished, continuing law enforcement-related education articles.

Jeff McCormick / Executive Director John Kennedy / Publisher Bridget Ingebrigtsen / Editor Dave Myslinski / Design

© Copyright 2023, the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. Reproduction of any part of this magazine without express written permission is strictly prohibited.

The National Academy Associate is published quarterly by the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., National Office, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA 22135.

The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization and is not part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or acting on the FBI’s behalf. Email editorial submissions to Submissions may vary in length from 500-2000 words, and shall not be submitted simultaneously to other publications. Please see our submission guidelines for more information. The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., the National Board and the editors of the National Academy Associate neither endorse nor guarantee completeness or accuracy of material used that is obtained from sources considered reliable, nor accept liability resulting from the adoption or use of any methods, procedures, recommendations, or statements recommended or implied.

Photographs are obtained from stock for enhancement of editorial content, but do not necessarily represent the editorial content within.






















For submission guidelines, please visit

On the Cover: xxx



Scott Rhoad

T his Association and specifically the Rocky Mountain chapter have proven once again that we know how to put on a first rate conference. The training topics and speakers who presented them were first class. They provided insight, experiences, and options to make our lives better by sharing best practices and new technology to make it easier to do our jobs. But let’s not forget the incredible after-hours events including artists from the hit series “Longmire,” musical entertainment, a rodeo, day trip excursions, and a gala banquet second to none. The FBINAA Na tional Annual Training Conference chairperson, Barry Bratt , the entire conference committee, the Eventive Group, and National Office staff spent hundreds or possibly thousands of hours ensur ing a great conference and they didn’t disappoint. If you were able to attend, you know what I am talking about. If not, you should start planning your trip to next year’s NATC in Kansas City, MO, where I’m certain you will experience a great time as well. I am honored to serve this Association as president over the next year. After being elected to the National Board in 2016 at the NATC in St. Louis, MO, I didn’t realize just how rewarding the experi ence would be. You can learn more about me and my goals for the upcoming year on page 9 of this quarter’s Associate Magazine . Please welcome the newest members of the National Board, newly elected Section I Representative Bill Gardiner from the Idaho/Montana Chapter. Many of you know Bill because of his campaign and travel throughout section I and his presence and his “presents” (Reese’s Peanut Butter cups) at previous national confer ences. Bill has also been a critical part of this Association’s Youth Leadership Program serving as a counselor and the coordinator for the last five years. Bill’s dedication to this Association is clear as he now begins another journey serving you on the National Board. Also welcome our newly appointed Historian John Simmons to the National Board. John has been a dedicated member of this Association since his graduation from NA Session 215 in 2003. He has continually shown his support for the Association and chapters during his career in law enforcement and the private sector. Although we had many very qualified candidates for the Historian position, only one could be chosen. Thank you to all of those who continue to show their support to the FBINAA through their dedication and willingness to serve. Another new member of our leadership team is our Execu tive Director, Jeff McCormick . Jeff was chosen because of his overwhelming passion and dedication to this association. His experience and drive will no doubt help this association move forward and grow while focusing on our three pillars of Knowl edge, Courage, and Integrity. As new members were welcomed to the National Board, others were sworn into new positions. Congratulations to Craig Peterson from Section III who now serves you as 1st Vice President. Bill Carbone from Section IV was sworn in as 2nd Vice President and Jim Gallagher from Section I is now serving as 3rd Vice President. Each of these individuals has already shown their commitment to this Association through their service on Hello FBINAA family and friends,

the N ational Board and network of world-wide chapters , but their willingness to take on more responsibility in these new roles further proves their devotion. We’re proud to announce the launch of our new membership database and redesigned website! Over the past year, our National Office team has been working with IT specialists and web designers on a new system that better reflects our membership community, networking and program opportunities, enhanced navigation for members, Chapters, and students, and a refreshed “digital front door” for members to be more engaged and active in our great Association. The new website highlights include: 1. Truly mobile responsive: Check out the website on your mobile phone and tablets. It’s a much cleaner experience than our previous website. 2. Updated navigation: Main menu and audience landing page architecture has been updated to help you find the information you need more intuitively and efficiently. 3. New ways to explore our programs: Members can easily learn more of new offerings and programs at the chapter and national levels, as well as communicate with their session mates and other members. 4. Dedicated member landing pages: If you are looking for a link you were used to finding on our old homepage, there's a good chance you'll find it on our Membership landing pages. You can also explore our site by clicking the Search icon on desktops or on the menu icon on mobile devices. As you can see, we are actively moving forward with new ideas and initiatives to make this Association even better for you, our mem bers, and the law enforcement profession. By working together as a national association and network of world-wide chapters to provide training and networking opportunities, we can enhance the ability of law enforcement agencies to respond, appropriately engage, and mitigate emergencies that affect the communities in which we serve and live.

Joining you in Service,

Scott Rhoad FBINAA President FBINA 217

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President SCOTT RHOAD Chief/Director of Public Safety University of Central Missouri (MO) (Ret.)

1st Vice President CRAIG PETERSEN

Past President TIM BRANIFF Manager-Emergency Management Sound Transit (WA)

2nd Vice President WILLIAM J. CARBONE Detective (OSI) NYS. Attorney General's Office, New York City Police Department (Ret.)

3rd Vice President JIM GALLAGHER Public Safety Advisor, Fusus, Phoenix Police Department (Ret.)

Representative, Section I BILL GARDINER Deputy Director, Idaho State Police

Representative, Section II LARRY DYESS Captain, Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office (LA)

Representative, Section III TIM CANNON Special Agent Supervisor, Florida Lottery (FL)

Representative, Section IV STEPHEN HRYTZIK Chief, Powell Police Department (OH)

Chaplain MIKE HARDEE Senior Manager, Covert Investigations Group (FL)

Historian JOHN SIMMONS Chief of Police (Retired), Mission (KS) Police Department

FBI Acting Assistant Director WAYNE A. JACOBS FBI Training Division (VA)

Executive Director JEFF MCCORMICK FBINAA National Office












6 FBINAA.ORG | Q3 2023


Thank You for Your Continued Support and Dedication!

National Academy Associate: President Rhoad, congratulations on your appointment to the presidency of the FBINAA. Can you tell our members about your background? Scott Rhoad: Thank you for the opportunity to share my deep appreciation for all the support I have received from our members and partners. I am looking forward to the coming year and where this Association is headed. I started my law enforcement career in 1985 as a student employee of the University of Central Missouri Department of Public Safety while majoring in criminal justice and security. I was soon hired as a police officer with the department and earned my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in criminal justice administration. Over the next 35 years I transitioned through ranks in the department while also teaching in the police academy. In 2014, I was named chief of police and UCM director of public safety. Those responsibilities included supervision of not only the police division including the 911 call center, but also, the parking services, access control, and environmental health and safety divisions. After serving several years as chief/director I retired in 2021. I am currently focused on spending time with my family and the FBINAA. NAA: You’ve been on the National Board for the last seven years; what has been the most rewarding accomplishment of the Association during your tenure? SR: While there have been several areas we have focused on as a board, the two that stand out to me most are our financial security and training. As an association, I am proud of the training opportunities the national office has developed and sponsored in cooperation with the chapters. I believe this partnership needs to continue and development into an even more sustainable model. But to pick the most personally rewarding I would have to say working with the AME chapter to select and support a candidate to attend the FBINAA Youth Leadership Program in Quantico. This was a very difficult process primarily due to geography and com munication challenges. They were able to send a candidate two years in a row prior to COVID-19 and again this year. MEET NEW FBINAA PRESIDENT SCOTT RHOAD

chapters is the foundation for our network of law enforcement professionals and those who move on to the private sector.

I hope by focusing on these relationships and showing our mem bers the benefits of them, we can increase the engagement of our members with their chapters. There is an endless pool of resources and experience at the fingertips of our members. Being a graduate of the FBI National Academy may provide you new opportunities in your professional career, but being an engaged, active member of your chapter and this Association increases your knowledge, network, and support to make you successful. NAA: What do you see as the biggest challenges and opportunities facing the FBINAA? SR: The biggest challenge facing the FBINAA is the same as nearly all other associations is currently facing: decline in membership. However, because of the diligence of our national office staff and chapter leadership boards our overall numbers are better than many other professional organizations. The cancellation of six (6) sessions of the FBINA and a reduced class size of another class ac counts for a reduction of 1,500-1,600 members. This aspect alone accounts for much of our decline. Another challenge our associa tion will be facing is the reduction in class size for the FBINA. This will be an immediate decrease of 200 members each year moving forward. We have traditionally seen an ebb and flow of 1,000 members in and 1,000 members out. We must focus on retaining members who are leaving this association each year by keeping them engaged in our chapters. However, there are NA graduates out there who are not active mem bers of this association. Those individuals are our greatest oppor tunity. The FBINAA is the world’s largest law enforcement network. Let’s continue to build it and make it stronger. I am often asked what benefits there are for retired members or why they should stay active. This network is like a family. We all share a common bond as graduates of the FBINA and being a part of this association gives each of us the opportunity to be part of a network of resources to help others. That is why most of us are in a service-oriented profes sion to begin with -- to help others. Not to mention the great travel benefits. As a retired member I can travel to chapter conferences all over the world. Where else can you renew friendships and make new ones with people with similar interests and backgrounds in an environment as safe and welcoming as an NAA conference? NAA: Do you have any ideas about how to help our new members engage in the association as part of your presidency? SR: As graduates of the FBINA return to their departments one of the first things they should do is find out when the next meeting of their local chapter is going to take place. Ideally, they have already been to a meeting or two leading up to attending the NA. Chapters should encourage recent graduates to get involved by helping plan an activ ity, serving as a committee member, or becoming a chapter board member. I was very fortunate to have a supervisor that believed in the importance of being active in the NAA. He knew the importance of the network and training opportunities to make me a better leader. As a graduate of the FBINA you have obviously been identified as a leader in your department. As a leader, support the NA graduates in your agency by sending them to training, conferences, meetings and social events. These opportunities to build their network of contacts is a benefit to you and the community they serve.

NAA: What are you hoping to bring to the FBINAA as president?

SR: My focus is and always has been to build relationships to enhance this Association. Relationships between our members, our partners, the FBI, and other federal agencies is paramount to our success. The relationships built within chapters and between



[1] Paul Butler of South Carolina Chapter recipient of Livio A. Beccaccio Award , presented by Scott Rhoad and Tim Braniff .

[2] Cindy Reed of Washington Chapter recipient of Les Davis Presidential Award , presented by Tim Braniff.

(3) Barry Wilson , President of the Alaska Chapter, accepting the trophy for the Yellow Brick Road Run , presented by Tim Braniff, Steve Cox , and Kelli Bailiff .

[4] Eric Williams and John Born accepting the Science & Innovation Award , presented by Tim Braniff , Steve Cox , and Kelli Bailiff .

[5] President of the Society of Former Special Agents , Dennis Lormel announcing the two Zeiss Winners , Nathanial Darin and Calista Jaensch . Winners were not present. [6] Albany County School District Food Services Department Backpack Program is recipient of the FBINAA’s Legacy Gift . Barry Bratt of the Rocky Mountain Chapter, accepted the check on behalf of the recipient.

[7] The 2023 Most Valuable Member Award presented to Steve Shaw , New Mexico Chapter, by Tim Braniff and Tim Cannon .



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continued from "Denver/2023 Highlights" page 11

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100 William A. Brewer

April 5, 2022

122 Daniel J. Draovitch

September 13, 2015

101 Elisha N. Sturgill

December 26,2010

122 Anthony P. Land

July 8, 2022

101 Merle E. Henke

July 1, 2021

123 Dwight Elsworth Vicars

August 4, 2001

101 John A. Anderson

June 16, 2022

123 Donald Floyd Aldrich

July 15, 2019

103 Merrill A. Greathouse

April 22, 1991

123 Randall E. Heaton

May 12, 2022

103 Milton G. Lennick

February 27, 2015

124 Clifford D. Lightner

October 10, 2022

103 William H. Byram

September 18, 2020

124 William B. Fardy

May 30, 2023

103 William M. Spangenburg

December 21,2021

126 John G. White

August 6, 2021

103 James E. Burriss

September 1,2022

126 Richard B. Schultz

February 11, 2023

104 Fred M. Abram

September 19, 2022

127 Robert F. Burke

January 29, 2023

104 Eskil S. Danielson

October 3, 2022

128 Eugene P. Sisto

August 26, 2021

106 Arthur A. Floyd

October 20, 2022

128 Daniel R. Hieronimus

January 26, 2023

107 William H. Hoogestraat

February 26, 2017

128 Richard J. Walsh

April 17, 2023

107 Ronald Neimeyer

December 28, 2020

129 Eric P. Gunderson

September 9, 2015

107 Robert Re

February 15. 2023

130 Laurence E. Will

March 26, 2008

108 Otis E. Baker

April 2, 2016

131 John A. Harris

May 27, 2015

108 Donald J. Wentz

January 17, 2020

132 Kenneth A. Maciejewski

February 8, 2022

109 Robert L. Lombardi

January 16, 2023

133 Aubrey N. Holloway

May 28, 2023

111 Dennis Scott-Herridge

July 8, 2016

134 Delma G. Collins

June 15, 2022

111 Malcolm J. Evans

March 29, 2022

134 Richard E. Peterson

August 8, 2022

111 Graham D. Brown

January 9, 2023

134 Ted M. Beasley

July 1, 2023

112 George J. Lister

March 9,32020

135 Lawrence P. Cowan

September 23, 2022

112 Louise E. Russell

January 14, 2022

136 Howard Kesler Vest

January 8, 2023

113 Jerry M. Theisen

August 28, 2017

137 Robert A. Rossman

April 9, 2021

113 Donald R. Persson

October 4, 2021

138 Ron Beck

November 12, 2021

113 Leslie A. Sharrock

November 27, 2021

139 Michael T. Prendergast

March 19, 2022

113 Sheldon A. Schultz

February 20, 2022

139 Ned J. Mitzel

May 30, 2023

114 Michael C. Kolivosky

January 22, 2007

141 Kenneth Wayne Price

June 20, 2022

114 Charles F. Ford

January 20, 2023

141 Bruce M. Albert

September 28, 2022

114 Bruce Wojack

February 16, 2023

145 Edward C. Enderson

April 3, 2023

114 James W. Helbock

July 12, 2023

149 Raymond E. Liebherr

December 6, 2020

115 Cornelius A. Lemmers

February 16, 2021

149 Richard Black

June 23, 2022

116 Donald L. Lutz

December 14, 2022

151 Tom Walker

October 20, 2014

117 Thomas A. Hallinan

September 12, 2022

151 Robert A. Fow

January 8, 2022

118 Marvin G. Carter

May 21, 2018

152 John F. Carroll

March 23, 2022

118 Michael R. Lehmann

October 2, 2022

152 Ross L. Riggs

May 28, 2023

119 Robert E. Metcalf

November 30, 2021

153 Edward P. Deacy

March 31, 2023

121 James P. Bryan

July 11, 2022

154 Larry Loy

March 8, 2022

121 Marvin Vincent Woidyla

April 6, 2023

155 Robert A. Shadley

February 15, 2023

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156 Roger A. Baker

January 17, 2022

220 James T. Rogers

March 14, 2021

158 Michael T. Curran

July 4, 2023

221 Timothy R. Lueptow

February 20, 2009

159 Donnie Lewis

August 13,2021

221 John F. Betten

September 22, 2013

159 Joseph E. Thomas

October 2, 2022

221 Michael A. Woodson

May 7, 2015

164 Walter Bruckshaw

March 14, 2022

224 Ken J. Starrs

November 16, 2016

167 Richard B. Lewsen

June 8, 2022

224 Luther Reynolds

May 22, 2023

167 Duane D. White

November 2, 2022

228 Horren R. Tyler

June 1, 2023

170 Carlos E. Wells

July 9, 2022

248 Timothy Jay Michael

May 16, 2022

171 Scott G. Smith

May 30, 2023

251 Steven Wade Birr

January 30, 2022

171 John R. Copeland

June 20, 2023

253 Donald E. Smith

July 4, 2023

172 Dusty R. Land

August 8, 2022

257 Brian J. Batterson

April 6, 2023

173 Robert J. Levins

August 20, 2021

263 Jay Patrick Powell

January 6, 2023

173 Fredric A. Barck

June 24, 2022

280 Janelle Sanders

September 10, 2022

175 Lester S. Peterson

June 6, 2023

57 Eugene V. Butts

May 9, 2006

182 Patrick L. Hampshire

May 30, 2022

67 Charles Gustav Anderson

March 30, 2022

182 Freddie A. Chapman

December 15, 2022

69 James F. Devoll

February 9, 2011

182 Drew Long

January 13, 2023

83 Robert J. Cline

March 8, 2019

185 Daniel M. Ricci

August 17, 2022

83 Emory B. Williams

May 23, 2023

188 Ronald V. Skinner

February 10, 2022

84 Darius W. Carter

May 20, 2012

190 Albert L. Gregory

February 15, 2022

84 Cordell H. Campbell

April 23, 2015

191 Robert H. Rothrock

December 28, 2021

84 Gene A. Young

January 28, 2023

193 James P. Krusen

November 17, 2022

86 Darryl L. Bruestle

July 15, 2022

194 Robert L. Beasley

August 17, 2019

88 Albert W. Miller

March 22, 2022

196 Carlton W. Crabtree

March 17, 2022

89 Dale E. Croy

June 23, 2022

197 Keith P. Sandefur

February 5, 2020

90 Daniel G. Challis

April 12, 2016

197 Ronald D. Cramer

September 13, 2022

90 Ralph E. Armand

July 13, 2022

198 Christine M. Hancock

September 25, 2021

90 Marvin J. Cole

April 11, 2023

198 Derrick W. Diggs

February 15, 2023

90 Jay R Stroh

June 23, 2023

199 John Gibbons

May 2, 2023

91 Francis B. Roche 91 Brian F. Lavin

201 Edwin F. Flint

May 15, 2022

April 6, 2021

201 Steven J. Rogers

September 21, 2022

91 Vittoria Renzullo

May 13, 2022

203 Terry M. Marek

November 3, 2022

92 Bobby N. Livingston

February 8, 2021

204 Ronald K. Jacobs

May 1, 2022

96 Ray A. Wilson

October 27, 1999

207 Michael R. Ruth

May 30, 2022

97 Jon A. Ripsky

August 2, 2022

207 Kenneth W. Welborn

September 13, 2022

97 Vance L. Boone

November 21, 2022

208 Abel Arriazola

July 9, 2023

98 Curtis R. Nunn

April 27, 2023

209 Louie Medina

May 13, 2022

99 Curtis J. Wild

June 27, 2022

216 Kitt Crenshaw

May 28, 2023

99 Roger F. Krout

January 25, 2023

218 Todd S. Simonton

December 12, 2021


FBINAA FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. Academic AFFILIATE LEVEL Alliance 2023


TODD FOREMAN, NA Session 237

L aw enforcement and the recycled materials industry can work together to slow the theft of catalytic converters, which have fast become a favorite target for criminals. In fact, solidifying the partnership between recyclers and law enforcement is an important step in preventing these thefts.

I n recent years, an unprecedented surge in catalytic converter thefts has challenged communities. The catalytic converter was once an obscure target for criminals, but now these emission con trol devices have become a hot ticket item on the black market. A primary motive behind the theft of catalytic converters lies in their value as a source of precious metals. Within these small, seemingly innocuous devices, are platinum, palladium, and rhodium; metals with prices that have skyrocketed in recent years. As demand for these metals increases — driven by industries such as jewelry, electronics, the medical field, and most notably, the automotive sector — criminals have seized the opportunity to cash in on the lucrative market for stolen catalytic converters. With a single unit containing a significant amount of these valu able metals, thieves can make a significant profit by selling them to unscrupulous buyers. In addition to the value of precious metals, technological advancements in vehicle design have played a role in catalytic converter theft, making some vehicles more vulnerable than oth ers. The increased ground clearance of sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and trucks, coupled with the accessibility of the catalytic con verter under the vehicle, make them prime targets for criminals. Hybrid vehicles are often targeted due to the higher concentration of precious metals in their catalytic converters. Moreover, ad vancements in battery-powered tools have empowered thieves to swiftly remove converters in a matter of minutes, further embold ening their illicit activities.

The lack of standardized marking or an identification system for catalytic converters attached to vehicles makes them an easy target for thieves. They can easily remove the catalytic converter without fear of detection. Prosecutors do not want to prosecute these cases because of a lack of evidence tying the catalytic con verter to a specific vehicle. HOW RECYCLERS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT CAN TEAM UP The recycled materials industry has approximately 30 million catalytic converters entering the legitimate market every year. The industry provides a service of recycling palladium, platinum, and rhodium that keep the supply chains open in the United States. Law enforcement can work with recyclers and learn the regulations related to metal laws and other material recycling laws. Recyclers can share their record-keeping including video of vehicles entering their facilities. Law enforcement can work with recyclers to give them information about what to do when suspicious materials enter the facility such as: calling the police immediately, purchasing the materials and holding them, or just getting as much information on the individual as possible and allowing them to leave with the property. Free online tools are available to law enforcement provided by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI ), the Voice of

continued on page 28

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FBINAA FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. Strategic DIAMOND LEVEL Alliance 2023

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Modern police departments rely heavily on mobile technology as a force multiplier, resulting in better access to information, improved officer safety, and increased operational efficiency. Mobile routers have emerged as an essential component due to the increasing level of technology in police vehicles and the need for reliable connectivity. Since the routers are con nected to and managing the technology in the vehicle, they can monitor and op timize the performance of the connected devices. This means that officers can access critical information without inter ruption. This article will identify important factors for router selection and outline the benefits of mobile routers for public safety operations. Let's begin with the basics of router functionality. There was a time when the technology in a patrol car was primarily a radio and possibly a radar gun. Today’s patrol vehicles are frequently outfitted with license plate readers, video cameras, smart PUBLIC SAFETY TRANSITION TO 5G W ith the emergence of 5G technology, police vehicle fleets stand to benefit greatly from an upgrade to 5G mobile routers and IT managers will want to take this into consideration as they review equipment refresh cycles. Faster data transfer with minimal latency and improved network reliability will significantly improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of police operations. Perhaps the most notable benefit will be seen with video transmissions, an area that is rapidly expanding with officers now having access to real-time drone feeds and public security cameras. ROUTER BASICS

phones, and computers – all of which may require a connection to the internet. To help ensure secure and managed connections for these devices, mobile routers are the ideal solution. Mobile routers are typically mounted in the trunk or cargo section of a vehicle, serving as a central hub for establishing internet connectivity on the go. By connecting devices to a cellular network, routers provide wireless connectivity within the vehicle. Equipped with one or more SIM cards, routers help ensure a consistent cellular connection. They can support mul tiple devices simultaneously, allowing officers to access online resources, maintain communications with dispatch, and seam lessly share information. While this is the fundamental role of a router, there is much more to be aware of, including selection criteria and the benefits a router can provide to organizations in terms of operational effectiveness. For agencies that are not using a mobile router, in-car technology is generally centered around a mobile computer equipped with a modem. However, routers are an overall better solution for most agencies, according to Lt. (ret) Dan Gomez , who spent several years overseeing mobile technology efforts at the Los Angeles Police Department. Gomez is the chief tech nology officer and a co-founder of TacLogix , a consulting firm specializing in public safety technology challenges. “You want your officers to stay connected and routers do that effectively, providing an optimum opportunity to receive the data,” said Go mez. “Routers also provide great security and they’re more flex ible – permitting the use of dual SIMs and simplifying hardware changeouts.” RUGGEDNESS Police operations often take place in challenging environ ments, where extreme temperatures, humidity, dust, and rough treatment are common. This is why it is important to invest in purpose-built rugged mobile routers. Look for routers that are certified for shock/vibration in accordance with MIL STD 810G and SAE J1455 standards. These certifications ensure that the routers can withstand the harsh conditions encountered in the field. Additionally, pay attention to the IP rating, which indicates a router's level of dust and water resistance. Look for routers with an IP rating of at least IP67, indicating the router is dust proof and can tolerate temporary water immersion. CONNECTIONS Mobile routers for police vehicles should be able to support both wired and wireless devices. For wired connections, it is essential to have enough ports with different types of connec tions to provide flexibility. Common connection types include Ethernet, RS-232 serial, and USB. Ensure that the provided connections meet your operational requirements. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is also important as it ensures ef fective and efficient connection to the network without cumber some manual configurations. continued on page 33



I n 2023 the Charitable Foundation Science and Innovation Award received nine nominations for programs, projects, and products. Since the purpose of this award is to recognize and promote creative thinking and problem-solving, it is worthwhile to share each nomination. Maybe a project or program can be replicated in your agency or community; maybe it can be adapted to fit your unique needs; or maybe it will spark a totally new idea that you can put to work. Every one of these nomina tions is worthy of the spirit of our award. Thank you to the NA members who served on the expanded 2023 selection committee: Bill Berger , Florida; Nick Onken , New Mexico; Jeff Tate , Minnesota; Brian Gould , New York; Alan Ruhl , Section 3 Director, Tennessee; and Rob Bryan , Georgia. The winner of the 2023 Science and Innovation Award is the Ap palachian Law Enforcement Initiative . APPALACHIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT INITIATIVE – OHIO UNIVERSITY, ATHENS, OHIO The Appalachian Law Enforcement Initiative (ALEI) is a collaboration between Ohio University’s Game Research and Immersive Design (GRID) Laboratory , Ohio University’s Voinov ich School of Leadership and Public Service , Athens, Ohio Police Department, Ohio University Police Department, and the Athens County, Ohio Sheriff's Office. The collective goal was to determine if law enforcement of ficers in rural America would accept and embrace soft-skill virtual reality technology as an effective mode of training. The objective was to create a cinematic virtual reality (VR) training experience that would benefit smaller agencies with limited training budgets. Cine-VR differs from traditional VR in that it is created by cameras rather than digital avatars. It creates a sense of immer sion because it uses live actors on actual movie sets. This allows officers to experience a situation in ‘near real life.’ Further, pre recorded VR experiences provide flexibility for training when the officer is readily available, not in a scheduled class setting. The project started in the rural Appalachian foothills of Ohio, where distance, small populations, and low budgets make train ing difficult. Two scenarios with two different versions of each are used; each situation lasts 20 minutes, followed by a debrief. Users report a very positive response to the training, with broad agree ment that VR training should be incorporated into law enforce 2023 Science and Innovation Award Nominees

ment training and that such training was very likely to improve the outcome of police-citizen interactions. For more information: John Bowditch , 740-591-0383, Here are brief summaries of the remaining nominees, in alphabetical order, with contact information. CASE SERVICE REPORTING - VERSATERM In May of 2023, Versaterm introduced artificial intelligence (AI) into non-emergency reporting through a system that allows citizens to report non-emergency events by communicating with a virtual investigator by voice, mobile, web chat, or text messag ing. The program is known as Case Service Reporting . The conversational AI guides reporting parties through the filing process by listening, questioning, and adapting to responses. The virtual investigator writes a NIBRS-compliant report and pro vides key details to the police department. It can even recognize a genuine emergency that requires escalation. Once a report is approved by records, the case is assigned to an investigator for further action. The system follows up automatically with the caller after a report submission, providing relevant updates on their case. All of these features reduce the burden on call-takers and first responders. The Austin Police Department is the first US agency to use Case Service Reporting. For more information: Rohan Galloway-Dawkins , 613-820-0311, rohan.dawkins@versa GUARDIAN - CELLEBRITE Digital evidence has rapidly overtaken physical evidence in investigative importance. However, the collection, management, review, and analysis of digital evidence is inconsistent. Guardian is a software product that supports the entire digital forensic lifecycle. It changes the landscape of traditional digital forensic investigation, allowing investigators to imme diately access, review, and analyze evidence from any device and from any location. Storage and retention management is unlimited, alleviating the financial burden that is a significant problem. Notable reduction of time needed, and cost associated with digital investigations can be attained. For more information: Marque Teegardin ; 678)-908-3989; marque.teegardin@cellebrite. com

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INFRARED PHOTOGRAPHY IN GUNSHOT RESIDUE EVIDENCE COLLECTION – OXNARD POLICE DEPARTMENT In gunshot related homicides, it is uncommon to recover the victim’s clothing at the crime scene. At the same time, gunshot residue, often found on the victim’s clothing, is transitory in nature and can easily be disturbed or lost during transportation of the victim to the medical examiner. If muzzle-to-target distance testing is required, this disturbance may cause inaccurate results. The Oxnard (California) Police Department has tested the on-scene use of an infrared camera to document gunshot residue on clothing. The only other option is a laboratory-based test. Through their research and experiments, it was determined that the two methods are not fully equivalent, but each has its usefulness in producing different viewpoints of the same object. For more information: Jeffrey Kay ; 805-385-8174, LATENT FINGERPRINTS IN DUST – CURTIS FRAME Curtis Frame , of Jasper, Texas has developed and perfected a technique for collecting fingerprints in dust, even after a suspect has tried to brush away any fingerprint evidence. His technique is being taught across the country, including at the FBI Academy in Quantico. An article that he authored has been read and used in law enforcement classes for more than 30 years, and it has made a valuable contribution to the process of collecting evidence. For more information: Curtis Frame ; 409-289-3881, The City of Gallatin, Tenn., has a population of approximately 45,000 served by a police department of about 100 sworn mem bers. The department identified a need for surveillance cameras in various areas of the city to monitorsafety, identify crime sus pects, and deter criminal activity. However, a commercial system was not affordable within the department’s budget. The police department’s Information Technology Division was tasked with investigating whether a system could be built from scratch. After research was complete, the police department ordered camera housings and solar powered cameras that were as sembled into functional systems, including a blinking blue light to indicate to anyone that the camera was recording. The local power company was enlisted to assist in the effort by installing these cameras in areas of high need within the city. The cameras were linked to the dispatch center and the patrol division for continuous monitoring. Police noticed an immediate decrease in crime in the covered areas. In order to capitalize on this success, members of the department built additional cameras that were placed along a system of greenway walking trails and within city parks. Two more cameras were built with the express intent of being able to deploy them to hot spots as needed. This system was built at a fraction of the cost of a commercial system, reducing crime while saving the community tax dollars. Creativity has continued to benefit the citizens and the depart ment. The Information Technology Division also converted an obsolete speed trailer to a mobile license plate reader for use at LPR/SURVEILLANCE CAMERA PROJECT – GALLATIN POLICE DEPARTMENT

various intersections and other areas of the city to identify crimi nals at the scene of thefts and related crimes. The camera and LPR systems are responsible for many solved cases and arrests in Gallatin. Citizens compliment the systems for an increased sense of safety in public places, and apprehended criminals complain about their use. For more information: Bart Layne ; 615-504 9900, Ph.D. candidate Catrina Rhatigan has begun a study of the different types of police promotion testing and processes across the United States. For comparison purposes, she has also stud ied the same elements of police promotion in Japan, a federally managed policing system. Research indicates that federal uniformity and oversight is needed for police promotion standards. Future study expects to have a major impact on revamping and implementing nation wide standards and testing for police promotions. For more information: Catrina Rhatigan ; 516-749-4960, catrina.rhatigan@ TOUGHBOOK 40 – PANASONIC CONNECT The Panasonic Toughbook 40 represents the next step forward in ruggedized docking laptops. It features user-friendly modular expansion packs: optical drives; authentication readers; IO ports; and barcode reader are user upgradable. Options in clude a dedicated graphics processing unit, up to 64 GB of RAM, up to 3TB of storage, and all-day battery life. Cellular modems are 4G or 5G, which will connect to the best available network without disruption or loss of connectivity. It has the first 5MP webcam in the class. For more information: Anthony Mungiello ; 201-392-6097, VISION 2023 – HAMILTON COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Over a four-year period, the Hamilton County, Ohio Sheriff’s Office moved from what is only described as “outdated” to implementation of state-of-the-art technology in every aspect of the agency. Patrol, investigations, analytics, and narcotics cases were positively impacted. Some examples: • Pursuit mitigation • Forensic software • Purchase and integration of 12 drones assigned to patrol and investigative districts • Addition of intelligence analysts • Conversion to state-of-the-art investigative tools – crime scene mapping, covert GPS and camera applications Deputies with the agency have experienced a sense of pride in the progress made by the agency in a short time span. Investiga tors have access to far more resources to assist in solving crimes. For more information: Brian Stapleton ; 513-352-3673, bstaple • Records management was upgraded from paper to electronic • Upgraded ALPR technology POLICE LEADERSHIP SELECTION PROCESS – CATRINA RHATIGAN

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F irst and foremost, I want to again thank Cindy Reed for her passion these past four years while serving as the Associa tion’s Historian. You can tell by her articles that she was deeply connected to her subjects as well as her obligation to share historically significant events with all of us. I will do my very best to maintain her high standards. I’m a pretty private person and told Cindy I really didn’t want to bore our members with details about my background. She laughed and said, “Well, if you want to break tradition and not write about yourself in your very first article, I guess that would be ok…” I took that as a very police way of saying, “Write about yourself in your very first article.” Understood! I was born in southern California where my father was sta tioned in the U.S. Navy. At a young age we moved to Wyandotte, MI, which is where I tell people I’m from. (No offense, my SOCAL brothers and sisters!) After graduating from high school in 1978 I entered the U.S. Army and attended initial training at Fort Mc Clellan, AL., as a military policeman. Prior to reporting for my first duty station in Germany I spent a couple weeks at home and mar ried my high school sweetheart, Susan . She joined me in Germany right before Christmas. Two 18-year old kids thrust into a foreign land with no car, no money and big dreams! My intention was to serve one three-year tour as an MP, transition back to civilian life and find a cop job somewhere. Well, the Army kept giving me great jobs… military police investigator, MP school instructor, CID special agent… all challenging, exciting, and fulfilling. The last job took me to the Washington, D.C. area and I quickly learned I wasn’t paid enough as a staff sergeant to live there very long. Eventually, I applied for Officer Candidate School, was accepted, attended training at Fort Benning, Ga., and became a second lieutenant assigned to the Armor Corps! I was assigned to a training unit at Fort Knox, Ky., where I served as a troop executive officer and squadron adjutant. I then transferred to D Troop, 10th U.S. Cavalry – yes, I was a Buffalo Soldier! I initial ly commanded a tank platoon and then took over a scout platoon. While I enjoyed those roles my heart longed to return to my be loved law enforcement field and was eventually transitioned back to the Military Police Regiment. My jobs as an MP officer began in 1990 and included assign ment to the 18th MP Brigade in Germany where I initially served on staff in the 709th MP Battalion in Frankfurt. I then commanded the 564th MP Company. Upon completion of command, I was named Provost Marshal in Fulda and, when it closed down, I shifted over to the Provost Marshal job in Hanau. Upon return to the United States, I was assigned to the ROTC Program at Florida State University where I served as the recruiting operations of ficer. Surprisingly, I was promoted to major “below the zone” and ordered to attend the Army’s Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Following graduation from CGSC and a one-year tour in the middle of the Pacific Ocean I returned to Fort Leavenworth to serve as the installation provost marshal. While attending a community leadership luncheon in 2000 I met the former police chief (and NA grad!) and serving city admin istrator for the city of Lansing, Kan. Fast forward a few months and I retired from the Army after 22 years of service to become Lan Introducing Your New Historian! John Simmons THE HISTORIAN'S SPOTLIGHT

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sing’s new chief of police! Lansing was good to me – I was afforded the opportunity to attend the 215th Session in the fall of 2003 and became a proud member of the Kansas/Western Missouri Chapter. In 2005 I became the chief of police in Fairway, Kan., and, in 2011, won an election to become the chapter’s secretary/treasurer. I served in that position for seven years, stepping down in 2017. Many of you know my dear friend Steve Cox – he stepped into the position and continues to serve honorably to this day. Also, in 2011 I became chief of police in Mission, Kan. In December 2013, I retired from Kansas law enforcement. My real “work” with our association began soon after I was hired to become the first director of law enforcement and military sales for CZ-USA – a Kansas-based firearms manufacturer and importer. Getting our products out in front of key LE decision mak ers was imperative – and I was blessed to be able to attend and support a large number of Chapter Retrainers between 2015 and my retirement in 2022. Last year – 2022 – was a year of transition and sadness. I retired from CZ-USA in March and Susan passed away in April following a short battle with cancer. She retired from the Federal Bureau of Prisons several years ago and I looked forward to finally being able to travel leisurely with her. It simply wasn’t meant to be . This year started on the right foot. In the same week I was offered this position as historian I also met a wonderful woman whose late husband (a retired SOCAL sheriff’s department lieuten ant) died from the same cancer that took Susan. Hope and happi ness are once again ruling the day! Ok, now you know more than anybody ever wanted to know about me! I must say I am extremely excited to be the Historian. I hope to write about people and events that either are or will become historically significant. There are some wonderfully warmhearted events that took place in the past that are worthy of sharing. So too are some of the great deeds of many of our YLP graduates. During the recent Leadership Summit at Quantico, I had several members approach me with topics they considered worthy of note. I will do my best to tickle everybody’s fancy. If you have any suggestions/recommendations for future articles please feel free to reach out to me at jsimmons@fbinaa . org or . I look forward to the next four years surrounded by the amazing people who make up this association! Blessings!

John Simmons FBINAA Historian


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