Continued from "Stop Catalytic Converter Theft", on page 16

the Recycled Materials Industry ®, at and Scrap • is a site where no registration is needed. The site provides information on all state laws related to the regulation of metal and other recycling laws. Law enforcement officers are not taught these laws in the basic academies when they begin their careers. Usually, they don’t learn about these regulations until they begin working with recyclers and have the need to learn them. ISRI provides this service as a way for the recycling industry and law enforcement to partner together to help stop thefts. • is another free tool for law enforcement. Registration is required. If the officer or deputy is a member of Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) or the Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP) , they can go directly to the site as one of their members. The site is a theft alert system that allows the theft of metal or catalytic converters to be entered into the system. The theft alert is then sent to recyclers at a minimum of a 100-mile radius of the zip code. Law enforcement can also receive these theft alerts. Catalytic converters work best in this system when they are marked and painted as a prevention tool. Analysts using are able to provide infor mation on when the next theft could occur, allowing users to see trends of catalytic converter thefts and other metals to help gather intelligence that the patrol division will need to combat these thefts. They can use the tool and search for areas and timelines around them to see the trends for catalytic converters and other metals thefts. This partnership can help them in their operations and planning. The recycled materials industry believes that more can be done at in-state and federal lawmaking. For example, ISRI wants Congress and states to require marking and tracking of the converters through state and national registries. ISRI would also like to restrict the possession of detached catalytic converters or catalytic converter substrate to entities who should be in posses sion through their normal course of business or individuals who can provide proof of legitimate ownership. This would provide law enforcement with the necessary information to identify entities that would be allowed to le gitimately purchase and possess catalytic converters. ISRI also recommends that record keeping be required for all purchases of detached catalytic converters and at every level of purchase. Records should be required for business-to-business transactions, including the date of sale and the volume of converters sold. LAW ENFORCEMENT CAN WORK WITH CITIZENS TO THWART THIEVES Law enforcement can educate the citizens in the community with crime prevention tips. There are several steps that vehicle owners can take to prevent catalytic converter theft. The first step is to park in well-lit areas that are visible to the public. Parking in areas with cameras and security is even better. The most secure measure is to park in a locked garage. Officers need to discuss tar get hardening with their community. Making thieves work harder to get their reward will prevent them from stealing that catalytic converter and moving to an easier target.

Vehicle owners can also install a catalytic converter protec tion device. These devices are designed to make it more difficult for thieves to steal the catalytic converter. Some protection devices are made of a strong metal cage that covers the catalytic converter, while others are made of a strong metal plate that is bolted onto the underside of the vehicle. Others have alarms at tached to alert the owners if the thief starts to attempt to remove the catalytic converter. Installing a protection device can deter thieves or make it more difficult for them to steal the catalytic converter. Engraving the vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the catalytic converter and painting it with high heat paint is an other crime prevention measure. The police department can partner with a company that has a lift, local recyclers, and the media to help make this crime prevention effort successful. Engraving the VIN onto the converter can make it easier to identify and the paint will show the thief that it has been marked with the VIN. The department can then work with the recyclers to catch the thieves if they attempt to sell it. Legislation, whether state or federal, needs to provide the tools that will help law enforcement catch these thieves. Law enforcement officers need to learn and have access to their state’s regulations on recycling laws, using sites like, so they can be properly enforced. Catalytic converter thefts are a worldwide problem. By joining the recycled materials industry and law enforce ment, can start to put a dent in these crimes by partnering together, building trust and relationships to stop the thieves.

About the Author: Todd Foreman retired as chief of police of the Bedford Police Department. He attended the FBI National Academy Session 237 and the Senior Manage ment Institute for Policing 79th session. He transitioned to a new role as director of law enforcement outreach at the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. in early 2022.

Continued from "A Message From Our Chaplain", on page 27

not only do we owe it to God to be our best selves, we owe it to those we know to help them be their best selves as well. In Hebrews 10: 24-25 we read, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encour age one another and all the more as you see the day approaching.”

Michael A. Hardee National Board Chaplain

References 1 “Perspective, Principles of Effective Law Enforcement Leadership.” By Dan Willis, March 1, 2011 2 “Holy Moments, a handbook for the rest of your life,” by Mathew Kelly

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