Associate Jan/Feb 2014
J A N 2 0 1 4 F E B
by Terry Lucas
these modalities have limited or no research to back up their claims. Some people will get results and others will be on the fast track to the orthopedic surgeon. The following is my methodology: VALUE Intensity – The single most important variable in the training environment, believe it! Progression – Everything works for 3-4 weeks, and then we must change stuff. We have a fitness class for Agents/ Support Staff that meets once a week. Every month we change workloads with every athlete. Diminishing Return – the same sets/weight/reps must be eliminated to ensure strength/conditioning gains. I’m not in the business to maintain anything. Manual Labor – A consistent training balance of iron should be on the plate. (Bodyweight/Dumbbells/Barbells/Kettlebells) & a sprinter’s mindset on the track/pool/rower/bike is the foundation. Vigorous training for adults must be 1.25 hours/week, no more, no less.
Be All You Can Be and It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over
P robably many of you readers will recognize the first part of the title as a saying used by the US Army in various recruiting situa- tions. The point of the phrase was to encourage soldiers to be the best and use all of their talents to deal with what ever obstacle or challenge they faced. The second part of the title is a saying made famous by the great Yankee ball player and announcer, Yogi Berra . He used this say- ing to emphasize that a game was not really over in terms of a win or loss until the final out. This was to encourage ball players to give it their best until the game was truly over and they had no chance to score and win against apparent defeat. Both of these sayings are epitomized in the life of an NA Gradu- ate of the 139th Session from Illinois. Retired Chicago Police Lieuten- ant Jim Padar has certainly worked tirelessly all of his life to be the best he can be. Jim was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, the son of an Italian orphan who was raised at St. Mary’s Industrial School for Boys, later to become Maryville Academy. Jim graduated from Chicago’s Austin High School and then obtained an AAS in Electronic Design and Technology from DeVry Institute of Technology. Jim’s first profes- sional position was with the Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois where he worked on the Zero Gradient Synchrotron design and construction project. (you can ask him to explain what this involved but he might have to “wack you” after he tells you!) Jim worked in New York City for approx four years doing re- search for a large communication company but was grateful when they had a big lay-off and was able to move back to his beloved Chicago. In Chicago Jim went to work for the Motorola Corporation where he worked as an Engineering Liaison Coordinator for the new state-of- the-art 911 system for the Chicago Police Department. Although Jim had served for nearly seven years in a Military Police Army Reserve
Edward J. (EJ) O’Malley
Unit from 1956- 1963, he had limited interest in a police career. No one else in his family had ever been in law enforcement and some may have even been “on the other side of the fence” according to Jim. While at Motorola Jim had contact with many Chicago police officers in dealing with the new 911 Center and became interested (maybe) in a police career. He inquired about the Chicago police de- partment pay and entry requirements and found out they were giving an entrance test. As luck would have it Jim took the test almost by ac- cident and found it to be “pretty easy!” Unfortunately he had neglected to tell his boss at Motorola about taking the test and when a Chicago newspaper called to get a picture of him for the paper, since he had scored number one on the test, he had to advise his boss before he read it in the paper. Fortunately his boss thought it made a great PR article about a Motorola employee being so smart that he scored number one and was typical of all Motorola employees! The boss even told Jim to try the Chicago police out and if he didn’t like it he would give him his Motorola job back! Jim ruined this good relationship with his former Motorola boss by marrying the bosses’ secretary and after having their first child she quit. The boss said he could “always hire another engi- neer but good secretaries were hard to replace!” The boss never spoke to Jim again. Jim went on and had a very successful career with the Chicago police Department and rose to the rank of Lieutenant. He served for over 29 years as a patrolman, tactical officer, homicide investigator, field sergeant, field lieutenant and commanding officer of the Training Division’s Video Services and Physical Skills Section. Upon retirement from the Chicago PD he accepted a position as Operations Manager of the Chicago Police Department’s new 911 state-of-the art system, thus completing the book- ends to his career. He officially retired from there in April 2000. Jim attended the 139th Session of the FBI national Academy in 1984 and immediately got involved with the Illinois Chapter-North- ern Division after his graduation. He served in all of the chairs for the Northern Division and was then elected to a state office. Following his term as Immediate Past President of the state chapter, he became the Illinois State Secretary Treasurer. In December 2010 he officially stepped down as an NA Officer after 25 years of continuous service. The leadership and wisdom he brought to the Illinois Chapter resulted in him being unanimously appointed as Secretary/Treasurer Emeritus.
A s I approach my 17 year in the health and fitness industry, I know what I know and I refer out quite often. I have forgotten too much exercise science, more than I like to admit. 2014 is here and it is time to address internet/DVD fitness programs. The big three that are sexy now include crossfit, insanity, and P90X. There is no denying the popularity of these programs. The ultimate question in my thought process is this: Are they sustainable? The new norm should be one size fits one, not all. To be clear, I respect those who have made changes with these philosophies. I should keep my big mouth shut if anyone is progressing and staying resilient to injury. I’ve done a little research on each but only on a novice level. My objective would be to give my opinion on what little I do know. I will specifically address crossfit and my concerns as a whole. I get questions on a weekly basis and I need to give my official statement. I feel very confident admitting this, I’m done with fads! In 2012, revenue from the fitness industry totaled $45.2 billion. People are desperately trying to reinvent the wheel. What has been proven in the literature to work are the follow- ing: Body weight/heavy strength training, interval based cardiovascular conditioning, and the ability to move multidirectional. Everything else is up for debate. Exercise is the only medication we all must take but the correct dosage is important. Training must involve a plan of action with specific individual goals in mind. I’m here to pick a fight with anybody who feels that bosu balls, hot yoga, and zumba are the answers to all real world problems. The solution may to be to figure out what works for you as an individual with respect to these extreme condition- ing systems. If you are not as lean or as fit as you want to be, what you are currently doing does not work. We all need the basics but I struggle with the monkey see, monkey do mentality. The reality is that ASSET VS. LIABILITY
DEVALUE We don’t play around in the weight room or conditioning arena, there must be a plan. If drills are picked out of a hat, don’t expect to get stron- ger or your mile time to improve. Leave the ego behind – we are all master level athletes, I don’t care what you did in high school/ college. High quantities of low quality work. If a tax- payer watched a training video on you, would you show bad technique? Sloppy movement pat- terns will put people on the operating table.
• Expensive, unless
you have your own garage to get it done
• Rotational/lateral movement is not
found in the arsenal, which must be trained
• Too many people
tackle the condition- ing and skip the strength work • A plan will trump chaos any day of the week • 20 year old kids can go hard 3 days in a row, I can’t and most of my students can’t either
(L-R) Jim Padar, son Jay Padar.
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