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Staying On the Yellow Brick Road

continued from page 23

reunions, and weddings. Optimizing my health will give me that edge

so I do not call out on these family showcases. Do the work when no

one is watching. Then we all can celebrate under the lights with our

loved ones.

I think Nike says it best:

“Quit making excuses,

putting it off, complaining about it, crying

about it, believing you can’t, worrying if

you can, waiting until your older, skinnier,

richer, braver, or all around better. Suck

it up, hold on tight, say a prayer, make a

plan & JUST DO IT!”

About the Author:


.J. O’Malley

is a Health and Fitness Instructor at the FBI Academy,

Physical Training Unit. He earned his B.S. from Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

and M.S. from Virginia Commonwealth University. He holds Certification from the Na-

tional Strength and Conditioning Association.

existent as he remembers, but does recall doing a lot of exercises and

running in place in an old basement area!

Marty does not remember much about his classes he attended

but says “he enjoyed the whole professional atmosphere of the NA”

and had never forgotten his positive experience while attending the

NA. There was no affiliation with the University of Virginia for the

NA students (did not happen until 1975.) After returning home Marty

petitioned Arkansas Tech University and was able to receive 12 hours

of general credit for his coursework at the NA. This petition was done

based on advice given at the Academy to check with your local univer-

sity/college to see if credit could be obtained.

The favorite class at the time was the range fire conducted down

at the Quantico Marine Base. Students spent approximately two weeks

down at Quantico and did a great deal of range firing, primarily with

.38 Special revolvers. Those interested students could also receive in-

struction and certification to become a range officer.

The 89th Session met with FBI Director

J. Edgar Hoover

at a

reception held at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington in April of 1972.

Marty stated he didn’t think the Director looked well at the time but

the Director did seem to be happy to meet and interact with the stu-

dents of the 89th. Unfortunately Marty’s observation was correct as J.

Edgar Hoover passed away a few weeks later on May 2, 1972. The 89th

Session viewed the body in the rotunda at the US Capitol. Congress

had ordered the body to lie in state before the funeral.

In my last interview with Marty he informed me that he had en-

countered many NA graduates throughout the country in places where

his Secret Service assignments had taken him. He was able to share

many stories and memories with them and the “bond” of the NA was

always present. Marty was quite proud of his NA experience although

he did not often talk of it unless it came up in a conversation.

When Marty landed in Baghdad in late 2005 following the three

day (without sleep) journey into Baghdad I was the first person he

met. As I stated earlier we became great friends and were a consolation

The Historian’s Spotlight

continued from page 22

to each other. One afternoon when we thought our recently obtained

stash of beer had been destroyed by mortar fire we were truly miserable

together!! (Fortunately the mortar missed but the smoke was close!!)

Marty’s work ethic and sense of humor were valued by all with

whom he had contact during our DOJ tour for Hussein’s trial. His

dedication to ensuring all assignments were done correctly and on time

were envied by all. He thought nothing of staying up all night, in line,

to get new/correct ID cards for the Iraqi personnel we were assigned to

deal with. I am not sure the Iraqis appreciated his work ethic on their

behalf but his fellow workers certainly did!

Marty Briscoe is like many of the outstanding men and women

who have attended the NA and gone on to great professional success in

the law enforcement world. I am proud to have had the opportunity to

work with him and call him my friend! Marty has been back to the NA

Academy at Quantico for training in his last assignment as an Intelli-

gence Specialist with the US Attorney’s Office in Arkansas and was quite

impressed at the facility. One observation was about the remoteness. He

did advise that he certainly enjoyed his stay in DC more and the many

things within walking distance for a young member of the mighty 89th

Session (not sure what all he was referring to but I can imagine!)

Please call or email me if you know of any other noteworthy NA

grads in your area. There are many great ones out there and I am privi-

leged to be able to meet and write about them! Stay safe out there.

Terry Lucas,

National Historian


cell: 540.810.2721